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  1. diamondwelsh

    hair algae taking over my reef tank help!!

    ok not to sound dumb but what is a sea hare and where do I find one?? does it have another name and does saltwaterfish sell them etc??? thanks in advance
  2. diamondwelsh

    hair algae taking over my reef tank help!!

    I have all this hair algea and I have 2 turbo snails and 2 clowns a blue hippo tang and a six line wrasse and a flame angel? snails and crabs but its everywhere any help is very appricated. thanks have a super skimmer and this is a 65 gallon live reef tank sand and rock. can't figure out...
  3. diamondwelsh

    new reef tank questions

    Hi thank you and yes everything is doing great. I have the light coming and i wanted to add something just a little at a time though. , my tests are all doing good too no amonia,nitrites or nitrate. ph is a little low so go some marine buffer for that. when looking at the picutres others are...
  4. diamondwelsh

    new reef tank questions

    Hi I am new to the list, I have a 65 gal tank we strated about 6 weeks ago. we got live sandand about 45 lbs of live rock. I now this last week have two clowns a pair of fire fish and one wasse. I also have the hermit crabs and red leg ones too about 18 in all.. and four peppermint