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  1. ba4life

    Will this lighting support an anemone

    alright thanks for ur advice ill have to find somewhere else to find lighting other than *****
  2. ba4life

    Will this lighting support an anemone

    I have a reef sun 50/50 with 6500k trichomatic daylight phosphor and actinic 420 phosphor for a 29 gallon tank. I dont knopw what any of this means i just typed it off the box.
  3. ba4life

    5 gallon question

    I was thinking of turning my 5 gal freshwater into a small nano with like 12 lbs of lr and 10 lbs of ls. I was wondering if this would be a good livestock selection 1. shrimp(suggestions for the best 1 to put in a 5 gallon) 5. scarlet hermits 1. cleaner clam 1. feather duster and either a few...
  4. ba4life

    Adding live rock

  5. ba4life

    Adding live rock

    Hey I am kinda knew to this and I have a 29 gallon with 4 turbo snails(hermit crabs killed 16), 11 blue leg hermits, sally lightfoot crab, cleaner clam, percula clown, yellow watchman, green ricordea polyp, and a mushrrom umbrella thing. I have 16 lbs of lr and i dont know how much live...