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  1. nirua64

    Please id this anenome/coral looking creature

    i hav the 2007 692 watts a fuse was in the box and yes it has a empty fan space and the other fan is very loose wtf being cheap explain n detail please pics if poss please :help: :help: :help: bought from hombbyebay :mad:
  2. nirua64

    The Official Random Thread, Click here, You Know You Want To

    giants need a new coach how about mixing running backs in dif formations dumb asses aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont ever loooooooooooooooooose to cowgirls
  3. nirua64

    Please id this anenome/coral looking creature

    solar what did u do to get your actnics to working again mine just stoped this morning had them on timers when i woke up it was not on is it the fuse i got one with the light but where does it go
  4. nirua64

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    hurt how can we contact for frags
  5. nirua64

    Sudden Red Algae Grow!?!

    i hav 250 hl and 96 actics on main grow light on ref may b problem i hope
  6. nirua64

    Let there be "Light"

    okay what do you hav in your sump and what chem and food do u use . i do not have anything in my tank put plants i used them to cycle my tank with uncurred live rock i took my time letting tank cycle for 4 months the plants were growing fine now they look funny, mangroves chaterpa cheato...
  7. nirua64

    Sudden Red Algae Grow!?!

    i have a lot of mangroves and nothing in my tank but 1 damsel i cycled my tank with uncurred liverock 2.5 months with mangroves they were great when nitrites were high now not as green what should i put n tank to improve also have cheato and chalerpa ,cheato doin well but grove & lerpa poor
  8. nirua64

    Cant do nothing

    i hav had two clowns for 5 yrs and a yellow tang, niger trig, hamu trig, blue damsel two starfish for 3 yrs starfish had babies in a 55 gal, i lost a lot of fish at first but it was due to lack of exp and not reading, i think it is realy up to quality of water some fish i know not to get like a...
  9. nirua64

    FREE DIGI'S-Louisville KY

    i do not have a protein skimmer i am trying a new approach. when i first started in 2000 i had all of those gadgets,i moved home and gave everything to my mom now she is hooked ,her having more money bought all kinds of stuff,the fish i took her still live but corals gone and i know she treats...
  10. nirua64

    FREE DIGI'S-Louisville KY

    hello i hav been running my tank for 4 months with lr,ls and stocking with plants, i do not hav any fish or coral, because frankfart has nothing most of my items come from the net can anyone tell me where in louisv i can find a reliable store. we hav a pet store but yellow tangs are 50 dollars...