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  1. tbrow21

    Tank equipment

    So I can learn and expand my knowledge of my hobby and provide the best environment I can for my fish
  2. tbrow21

    Tank equipment

    What size sump should I use and I don't really know anything about sumps so any information is helpful
  3. tbrow21

    Moving a saltwater tank

    the 55 is going to be the permanent new home for my fishy friends
  4. tbrow21

    Tank equipment

    What about a canister filter I know a lot of people who use them and love them and as far as a sump all the ones i see are expensive and im low on cash any suggestions.
  5. tbrow21

    Tank equipment

    Well I'm transferring from a 30 to 55 and I have a blue devil damsel a chocklet chip star fish and an earchent I want to get Corel bul I don't want the star fish to feed on them
  6. tbrow21

    Tank equipment

    I have a hang on filter for a 55 gallon reaf tank and I was wondering what other equipment I should have to sustain a healthy equarium
  7. tbrow21

    Moving a saltwater tank

    I am moving in a few weeks and I have a 30 gallon tank wit live rock, 1 fish, a star fish, and an earchent. I am moving about a half bore from where I live now but during the move I want to transfer everything into a 55 gallon tank I have and I want to use my existing sand bed. What would be the...