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  1. phamman


    does anyone have opinionor experience with Unique LED?
  2. phamman

    best lighting

    i do not know; I have an orbit fixture now that is too heavy for me to move and access the tank conveniently. I am looking for recommendations;
  3. phamman

    best lighting

    I am looking for the latest and best lighting for my reef tank; It is 60" long, 25" deep and 16" wide. I think about 100 gal. I have mostly corals, one rose anemone and 4 fish. I wold like something that I can hang , and does not rest on the tank. Our local aquarium supply store is...
  4. phamman

    Ordering New Lights Today!

    I wish I had seen your post earlier. Unforunately I bought a 48 inch orbit lighting system for my 100 gal. reef tank. The ballasts last just about a year, are expensive and VERYtedious to replace. I am so unhappy with ORBI
  5. phamman

    canary goby

    I got this fish 1 months ago for an establshed reef tank. It seems to be getting thinner and is not eating any of the fish food. It does seem to peck at the live rock now and then. Is there a way to supplement its diet?
  6. phamman

    blue mushroom

    Does anyone know why the muhrooms would close and look like they are shriveling?. they look like a trumpet.2 weeks ago they had a 2" diameter.The water is fine. the other corals are fine, the anenomes are fine. Could it be too much flow or not enough? Thank you for help
  7. phamman


    I bought an acropora and it turned white within a few days. then it turned greenish tan(it was supposed to be purple). Now it is covered with hair algae, even though I do not have this algae anywhere else. How can I tell if this coral is dead?. Can I dip it in something to remove algae?. It...
  8. phamman


    no it is in my home ; the only pets i had; up to now service has been good.
  9. phamman


    for over a year my 100 gal. reef tank has fourished. a few weeks ago the service i use added a Ritteri anenome(only one i have). and then changed and added powerheads. A week ago the huge colt coral closed and then started to shed. Service came and said too much flow, not to worry it would...
  10. phamman


    I have 2 percula clowns. I wanted to buy a carpet anemone, but the store suggested a sebae;that the clowns would go into it.( they did not have carpet) they also said I would not have to feed it. Is this true?. This is my first venture with an anemone. thanks for help.
  11. phamman

    water testing

    I am ready to care for my 100 gal reef tank myself. What water test equipment should I have? Are there electronic devices?
  12. phamman

    water testing devices

    I am ready to try to take care of my 100 gal.1 year reef and fish tank myself.. I would like to know what test kits and/or electronic meters you have found to be most useful and effective. thanks for the help.
  13. phamman

    bug eye

    I read the posts in june about this problem. I have a 100 gal reef tank; my hawkfish has had this bug eye since feb; my aquarium service said it was a condition that would cure itself, so i never treated. Is there anything that I can try in a reef tank now?