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  1. littlesalty

    Is this pump alright?

    Awesome! We pay .19 cents a KWH, so I am definitely searching out low watt options on my equipment. Looks like I will go with the mag 7. Thanks!
  2. littlesalty

    Is this pump alright?

    I am really looking for a pump that runs on low wattage. How is the mag 7 for energy consumption? Thanks!!
  3. littlesalty

    Is this pump alright?

    I am going to be drilling my 75 gallon and the overflow is going to be 700gph. My sump is going to be a 29 gallon, just wondering if this pump will work alright? *****Please do not post links to competitor sites or forums***** Would I need a 2.0 (568gph) or a 3.0 (714gph)? Thanks!
  4. littlesalty

    55 Gallon list? Lighting question

    Thanks for the great advice! Just when I think I am starting to get it all figured out, I read more and then get overwhelmed again. I have decided on the reef octopus though, have read lots of great things about it. And I would love some of those LED AI vega lights. Pricey, but they look like...
  5. littlesalty

    55 Gallon list? Lighting question

    Hello, brand new here! I have kept freshwater aquariums for several years (it all started with a betta in a bowl..I call him my gateway fish) and am finally braving this new world of saltwater. I am going very slow, have been reading and researching for a few months now, and think I am getting...