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  1. fish2013

    Help! Fish has White Lips!!

    No on had notice coral biting but we just noticed they have definitely been fighting. One of the fish has almost no tail now :-( we managed to get him out of the tank and into a quaranty tank but I don't think he will make it. Welli guess that solves the mystery but its unforunate in this case...
  2. fish2013

    Help! Fish has White Lips!!

    She has 1 banded coral shrimp, some turban snails, two hermit crabs, and I think it's called a blenny?... Ill have to get back to you on the water reading. The most recent coral she got was about 6 months ago. She feeds them 'new life spectrum marine fish formula' 'new era marine pellets' and...
  3. fish2013

    Help! Fish has White Lips!!

    They are not new to the tank. She has had them for about 3 years now. We have tried multiple times to catch them but with a reef tank and so many hiding holes that's easier said then done. I'm worried that if we don't catch the one with white lips soon that he may die since he is having troubles...
  4. fish2013

    Help! Fish has White Lips!!

    Well it looks like all three damsels have the white on their lips but none of the other fish in the tank seem to be affected. The one with all white lips looks like it is a little fuzzy on the corners of its mouth but not a lot. It also cannot close its mouth but the other two jut have a small...
  5. fish2013

    Help! Fish has White Lips!!

    I noticed today that two of the Damsel's in my mothers saltwater tank have what looks like white fuzz on their lips. One only has a small spot and the other damsel's lips are completely white. I will try to post a picture. I have tried to look it up and it's possible that it may be cotton mouth...