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  1. nhunter

    Fish fins are looking nipped

    I lost a one spot fox face last night the fins looked nipped but there where no signs of other fish nipping there are some other fish in the tank that look like they have had some torn fins water conditions are normal ammonia is 0 nitrites are 0 nitrates 0. Was trying to see if some of the...
  2. nhunter

    Coral and fish stress

    Dos anyone have and research relating to having coral reduces the stress of the fish in your tank or has anyone found this to be true in there own tank?
  3. nhunter


    Has anyone schooled convict tangs?
  4. nhunter

    Sailfin tang need help diagnosing

    Yes my tank is 3/4 of the way filled across the back with live rock. No corals yet would like them later
  5. nhunter

    Sailfin tang need help diagnosing

    My Fish Blue sailfin and yellow tangs, fire goby, 2 black ocellaris, 6 chromis and a algae blenny My Invertebrates 4 turbo snails, 1 brital sea star, 4 nassarius snails and about 30 blue leg hermit crabs I have white ich I'm not one for medication in my display tank if I have to get a qt I will...
  6. nhunter

    Sailfin tang need help diagnosing

    Yep your right no qt. so in your expert opinion it's not black ich or a anemone sting? Would it be smart to get a qt tank
  7. nhunter

    Sailfin tang need help diagnosing

    Hi I am new to this hobby I enjoy taking the time to research and plan all that I can. Currently my sailfin tang has come down with something I'm not sure and I would like help diagnosing it? He looks to have black spots on him and his tail fin went from somewhat see through to a black tint. I...