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  1. psuguy

    PSK 100 user guide

    Is the setup the same for in sump vs hob?
  2. psuguy

    PSK 100 user guide

    I purchased the eshopps psk 100 in sump protein skimmer but there was no user guide. Does anyone have a link to a PDF user guide?
  3. psuguy

    High nitrates. Please help

    Thanks for the response. I will get a better kit and see what the results are
  4. psuguy

    High nitrates. Please help

    Also, I am using an API test kit
  5. psuguy

    High nitrates. Please help

    The nitrates in my 55 gallon FOWLR tank is reading 160ppm. I have completed 50% water changes for the past 3 days and have not seen any decrease. I am using ro water and adding Seachem prime to the new water. Last week I suddenly lost 3 fish and the two remaing were dressed. A water change...
  6. psuguy

    Anemone died in 2 days

    This is not a new tank. The ammonia is always 0. I haven't checked any levels other than the basics. I suppose something is off there. Someone said it might be electrical current in the water. Anyone had that issue?
  7. psuguy

    Anemone died in 2 days

    Forgot to mention my lighting: Coralife T5 dual lamp with 28 watt 10000k and 28 watt actinic bulbs
  8. psuguy

    Anemone died in 2 days

    I purchased a green bubble tip anemone from my LFS on Saturday. He looked great and was moving around in the tank. On Monday he still looked great. Then on Wednesday night he was dead. Already rotting and I had to take him out of the tank. I checked the parameters and they were: PH 7.8...
  9. psuguy

    Water Clarity and Anemone dying

    Partial Water Changes
  10. psuguy

    Water Clarity and Anemone dying

    I picked up about 10 pounds of live rock from the lfs. Added that to the tank. Also did a PWC with the RO water I got at Walmart. Anemone definately looks like he won't make it. Appears to be leaking something from his body. UGH....
  11. psuguy

    Water Clarity and Anemone dying

    I plan to stop at the lfs today and pick up some live rock. I am also going to get some RO water to start some PWCs. I hope this helps.
  12. psuguy

    Water Clarity and Anemone dying

    Ok. I will hold off on looking for him. One thing I have been doing is using tap ater for top of and water changes. I am going to purchase some RO water today and start doing some PWCs over the next few days. I assume that will help. Any other suggestions. I am obviously frustrated with...
  13. psuguy

    Water Clarity and Anemone dying

    I'll have to search for the starfish. That would be a problem. He seemed fine last time I saw him. What would you recommend as the next step in upgrading? I am on a tight budget right now (as we all are I'm sure).
  14. psuguy

    Water Clarity and Anemone dying

    So, based on my current stocking level, what wouild be the next step to get to a more stable and clear environment?
  15. psuguy

    Water Clarity and Anemone dying

    That's what I was afraid of. The blue damsel is fine, but the 3 gold and black damsels have gotten big and agressive. I do not currently have any live rock. Just base rock that has been in the tank since setup. I assume this is not sufficient. The only cleanup crew I have is a sand sifting...
  16. psuguy

    Water Clarity and Anemone dying

    I have a 60 fish only tank. Currently using a Cascade canister filter with surface jets, Lee's hang on protien skimmer, and 2 powerheads. Current stock is: 1 Blue damsel 3 Gold and Black damsels 1 perc 1 clarki 1 foxface 1 niger trigger 1 yellow tang 1 hippo tank 1 snowflake eel I also...
  17. psuguy


    Thanks for the advice. I'll give them a try. BTW.. My hermit crab died a couple of days ago also, though I dont think it was from the fish. he was too big for them to bother.
  18. psuguy


    Ok. So it appears that because of my trigger and Dragon wrasse, I cannot use any inverts to clean my tank. Are there any fish that would do a good job of keeping the sand bed clean?
  19. psuguy


    Anyone have any suggestions? I have lost all of my tronchus snails. Only CUC left is a large hermit. Not alot of algae but the sandbed needs some cleaning.
  20. psuguy


    I am wondering the same thing. All of my snails were dead a week after I put them in the tank. I suspect the dragon wrasse and/or niger trigger. Any suggestions on what kind of CUC - if any - I can add?