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  1. dannywwhite


    Hi guys, So this is my dilema. I used to have a very simple reef with live rock. Lots of critters, a few fish, and a few coral. But I took ONE vacation, and left it in the care of a pet sitter (whom we've had before), and rather than follow my instructions, she dumped so much food into the tank...
  2. dannywwhite

    Decisions, Decisions! :)

    I do not. After problems with my first one not anymore.
  3. dannywwhite

    Decisions, Decisions! :)

    Hi guys, I have my 60 gallon reef in my room, 3 fresh tanks, and a 20 just sitting empty. I'm thinking about just doing a fish only nano salt tank. I DON'T want to invest in a top or anything, this is going to be like plain and simple. I'm wondering what kind of fish and such I should throw in...
  4. dannywwhite

    What corals should I get?

    well when i say those numbers I mean the amount of fixtures! But thank you for the advice! I will take a look at them.
  5. dannywwhite

    What corals should I get?

    I was using fluval sea reef led's or whatever from ***** for hundreds. I got them free luckily from a friend who works there. I had like 5-6 of them
  6. dannywwhite

    What corals should I get?

    Hi there! After starting a 60 reef and killing most corals due to crappy lighting, I am starting over. I sold the shitty LED's from ***** I got, and buying 2 (and later on one more) LED fixtures. They are 165W. I'm wondering what would be good to start off with? I am starting from ground zero...
  7. dannywwhite

    Bubble Tip Anemone advice!!

    I need advice please!! I am a budding reefer with a 60 gallon reef tank. I have been having problems constantly with my corals, which I am starting to slowly get the hang of. But I need a lot of help. I bought a large beautiful bubble tip anemone that flourishes in my tank. Even after a few days...
  8. dannywwhite

    Filtration (NEED ADVICE!!)

    Hi there! So my 60 gallon reef tank just broke out in ich killing a bunch of my fish :( so every fish is in quarantine at the moment. So right now, I have redecorated the rock design, and such. I was wondering if I can get advice on filtration. Right now I'm using crappy H.O.B filters that are...
  9. dannywwhite

    Quarantined, now with death too?!

    Hi guys, I just made a small quarantine tank in my basement since my reef tank fish have been dying and some dead of ich. I lost my kole yellow eye, damsel, cardinal, 2 black bar chromis, and my coral beauty angel.. i mean it was ridiculous. So now my reef tank is empty besides shrimp, snails...
  10. dannywwhite


    Hi there. So i have a 70 gallon saltwater with a kole yellow eye tang. I love the yellow tang and the sailfin tang but im wondering since i heard the rule about tangs if that's ok? Either a sailfin or yellow (not both)
  11. dannywwhite

    One day he's here, the next GONE

    Hi there! So in my 40 gallon tank i put the first fish in there to test it out (6 chromis, 3 blue/green, 3 yellow with a black stripe) and after 2 days, one disappears... I found this so trippy so I search the tank and the floor and NOTHING... So today (around 5 days later) i found a fish...
  12. dannywwhite

    New to Saltwater, need help!

    Thank you for your help and advice! I have 2 Fluval Sea LED lights. The specs on the box says it has 312 LEDs and each are 25W. and it also says 25000k (idk what that means).
  13. dannywwhite

    New to Saltwater, need help!

    It is a 40 gallon breeder. Do u really think LED isnt enough? Do you personally have corals, if so what's your experience?
  14. dannywwhite

    New to Saltwater, need help!

    Hi there! So basically I will just tell you the background of what i have. I have 2 freshwater tanks, one 38 and one 10 and recently I started my saltwater. After letting it sit for a long amount of time with live rocks, sand, and such, I added biospire and went away for a week on vacation. When...