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  1. newaquagirl

    Indigo Hamlet

    Thanks, I'll moved the rocks if the tang keeps it up... I wanted to rearrange the rocks anyway.
  2. newaquagirl

    Indigo Hamlet

    Thanks Mr. LLimpid... I've only had him a few days and have not seen him come out to eat... I have the foods you mentioned, maybe I'll throw some in the tank before going to sleep...
  3. newaquagirl

    Indigo Hamlet

    Hi, can anyone give me some insight on the behavior of the Indigo Hamlet... I have read some stuff about it, like what it likes to eat and stuff but I just purchased one and have not seen him swimming around, he just mostly hides behind rocks and in caves... And I think he ate two of my...
  4. newaquagirl

    Yellow Tang

    Sorry can't make the picture bigger... The rocks were full of algae a couple of weeks ago but that's what it looks like after I got the Mexican turbo snails... Those things are amazing. There is room in front and behind the rocks, but I think I will have to sort them again cause the tang has...
  5. newaquagirl

    Yellow Tang

    Hi Flower! The tank is a 72 gallon bow front. Right now it's the tang and 4 small green chromis in there with about 30lbs of rock and coral in the middle... And of course my CUC. Not great aquascaping, but I can't figure out what to do with it...
  6. newaquagirl

    Yellow Tang

    Meowzer - I started the tank on 8/3, I had it cycling for about 3 weeks and then added some green chromis. Then I started getting all this algae, my LR and LS were brown... So I posted it and got some feedback on what to do. I purchased a CUC and about a week later purchased 3 Mexican turbo...
  7. newaquagirl

    Yellow Tang

    So I purchased a yellow tang last week and its been doing fine, but I've spent the day watching the tank on and off all day. This tang seems to be nipping on the side of the tank where the adhesive is... I've been shooing it away all day but now I'm wondering if its normal... It nips on the...
  8. newaquagirl

    RO Water...

    Thanks SnakeBlitz, I did look into the float valve when I ordered the unit and decided against it because didn't think I needed it. I hear where you are coming from it will make my life easier but at this time (a Newbie) I am enjoying all the aspects of this hobby and don't mind spending some...
  9. newaquagirl

    RO Water...

    Thanks Flower... I will use the mentioned method, I don't want to remove more than I have available...
  10. newaquagirl

    RO Water...

    Thanks Bang Guy... Flower - I purchased a 3 stage space saver unit (no holding tank) because I don't have a lot of room... Says it makes 75 gallons per day. I have a 32 gallon plastic garbage can (fish only) and I have a power head mixing the salt... I'm planning on doing a water change...
  11. newaquagirl

    RO Water...

    I have a stupid question... I purchased a small RO water filter and was wondering if the water can be stored and if so for how long?
  12. newaquagirl

    Tank Cycling

    Thanks tthemadd1. I have actually minimizing the lights since Monday and have given some thought about not going aggressive with my tank... There are just some things I don't want to go without in my tank... I especially love the thought of having anemones in the tank... The mexican turbo...
  13. newaquagirl

    hypo and qt

    Thank you for the info.
  14. newaquagirl

    Snake's Tips and Tricks for New Hobbyists

    Wow! Thanks for posting this. Great deal of information especially for someone starting out like me... Thanks again.
  15. newaquagirl

    hypo and qt

    Hi, I'm new to the hobby and I was reading about quarantine tanks and how valuable they are to have... But I keep coming across "hypo" what exactly does that mean?
  16. newaquagirl

    Tank Cycling

    Pegasus thanks for the article. Hmmm food for thought. Okay not gonna do anything in the immediate future since just got my CUC... Let me see what they are able to do for a couple of weeks. Sweatervest13, I hear you but for right now I may need to go that route. I am a renter and am not sure...
  17. newaquagirl

    Tank Cycling

    Thanks Sweatervest, plan on staying with it because I love to come home and be mesmerized by the individual styles of these fish… I will look at purchasing water at Walmart and some jugs… Pegasus, I guess when I do get the first aggressive fish, they will indeed have an expensive meal… Oh...
  18. newaquagirl

    Tank Cycling

  19. newaquagirl

    Tank Cycling

    Thanks. I'll check out the Walmart by me, I've seen the water machine but never purchased any. I know there are different urchins, which would you recommend??? And thanks for all the help everyone...
  20. newaquagirl

    Tank Cycling

    Yes I am...