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  1. chefswo

    Hitchhiker growing

    I bought this rock with a ricordia on it, you can see it off to the left it's small. The thing In the middle looks like a rainbow ricordia it has been coming on for some time. I want to make sure it is a ricordia and not a majano which I just got rid of.
  2. chefswo

    Hitchhiker growing

    I have this rock with a ricordia on it, but lately something else is growing... Not sure if it is a anenome, majano, or rainbow ricordia... A little help identifying it please? Thanks
  3. chefswo

    Hijacker - Pretty sure its a bubble tip

    Are these ones the same thing? I don't want to accidentally mistake a good anemone hijacker for a bad one.....
  4. chefswo

    Hijacker - Pretty sure its a bubble tip

    So I got a few new rocks and one of these guys were there, I think its a bubble tip anemone but not for sure…. It started out as 1 but now is about 5-6…. Is it a bubble tip? If so, Why is he splitting so much? Why doesn't he just get bigger rather then keep on splitting?
  5. chefswo

    Help identify this

    What's the best way? I do have 2 aptasia in the tank.
  6. chefswo

    Help identify this

    These are in my canister filter when I went to clean... Any clue?