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  1. trev-salt55

    Shark compatablity

    I have a 55 gallon tank with two damsels that i dont care about but i have a pretty big coral beauty which is fine but i would like to know if a baby 4" to 4.5" marbled cat shark be with two resonabley sized clown fish
  2. trev-salt55

    What the f**k

    I dont know what this is its brown and has like little sticks coming out of his biday and sharp ass little claws
  3. trev-salt55

    What Fish

    I want to get a new fish that is highley active and easy care level im gone for motocross racing every wealend and i need easy care level fish and he need to fit in a 55 gallon so really a active fish that fits in a 55 gallon
  4. trev-salt55

    Coral beauty angel

    Should my angel have like white spots that look like a parasite it eating a away at his skin its by it eye and forhead its wild looking never seen anythi g like it
  5. trev-salt55

    Help with kenya tree!

    Dont know why it looks this way.
  6. trev-salt55

    Quick help!

    What fish goes with a huma huma trigger give me a list of at least three i need another fish but hes got to be happy in a 55 gallon and goes along with a huma huma trigger
  7. trev-salt55

    Need help lighting

    Whats a good LED Lighting fixture fir a 29 gallon biocube. We arent that good in the economic standing so whats the cheapest and best leds for coral (soft) for the biocube
  8. trev-salt55

    Niger trigger

    Will a niger trigger be good with green chromis and damlse and posibly more but are they not aggresive to small fish and other big fish as well
  9. trev-salt55

    Fish compatible help

    What butterfly fish will go with a 2 to 3 inch huma huma trigger
  10. trev-salt55

    Filefish and huma huma

    How would a huma ha trigger and a redtail filefish go togther in a 55 gallon tank
  11. trev-salt55

    55 gallon fish

    What is some good saltwater fish for a 55 gallon tank the fish have to be compatible with a huma huma trigger
  12. trev-salt55

    Bamboo cat shark egg

    What is your opinion on a bamboo cat shark in a 55 gallon aquaium and fluval canister filter. The tank is has a huma huma trigger fish ciral beauty and 1 three stiped damsels and a four striped damsel my dad is freaking out that i dont have a good enough filter i would want to have him for a...
  13. trev-salt55

    Hot blown and green algea

    dont know what it is from its by a window but blinds are always shut want to take care of it before it gets out of control
  14. trev-salt55

    Blonde naso tang sick

    What is on my blonde baso tang i had him for about 2 weeks and he has white spots on him but it spreads only on him not other fish.