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  1. scottie

    looking for intrest in a 125 gallon in delaware

    but not the stand?
  2. scottie

    looking for intrest in a 125 gallon in delaware

    I am located in wilmington (bellefonte) Delaware. I have a truck and can deliver within reason. not sure if want to separate anything at this time, if i can get enough interest in the rest of the stuff it would be better. I am looking to use the money from this setup to put together a 75 drilled.
  3. scottie

    looking for intrest in a 125 gallon in delaware

    the items below are mine, i have not been on this website in a long time so i recruited the best fish person i know to post these items for me! The stand is 74" wide (tank is about a inch shorter) The stand, tank, and light together are 53" high The tank is 22" high The stand is 20" deep (again...
  4. scottie

    what i have - many questions coming in the future

    thanks for the tip on the sand thats a great idea! i have one piece of lava rock now in my tank and a buddy of mine has a couple of pieces. anyone else have any feedback or experience with lava rock???
  5. scottie

    what i have - many questions coming in the future

    of course i am going to work on the advise i have received. I am upset that i have to replace my live sand and crushed coral, any alternative to replacing it completely? I have about 50 lbs of live rock right now and will of course add to it in the future (thoughts on lava rock also?) I have a...
  6. scottie

    yellowtail blue damsel/So boring!!

    i believe damsels like chromis like to be in schools
  7. scottie

    what i have - many questions coming in the future

    Hey guys, i appreciate all of the advise. Just an update.... So far everyone is getting along, tank is nice and clean. i am however still puzzled by the no tang in 55gal tank part though, yellow tangs do not get that large and he has plenty of room to swim.
  8. scottie

    what i have - many questions coming in the future

    like i said if the puffers and yellow tang get to large i will return them, i can also move the damsels and clown to my 5 gallon tank if need be. Also i was told the crushed coral below the sand would be benificial, i believe it was to maintain proper ph maybe if remember correctly? i do however...
  9. scottie

    what i have - many questions coming in the future

    the puffer at this time is tiny, if it grows to big i will sell him, the same for the sergeant major (has not been aggressive at all YET). No tangs in a 55 gallon tank?
  10. scottie

    what i have - many questions coming in the future

    hello everyone, I am knew to the forum and it looks great. I have had fish tanks for years however have only been dealing with salt water for the last year or so. I currently have a 55 gallon and 5 gallon. The 55 gallon has about 50 lbs of live rock, a wet dry, protein skimmer (sucks), 1 inch of...