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  1. octopus man

    water transfer

    If I transfer the filter and the water from a cycled 10 gallon over to a brand new 20 gallon tank and fill the other 10 gallons with salted r/o water. Would the 10 gallons of cycled water be enough to cycle my 20 gallon tank right away? Or would I have to wait another few weeks for it to cycle...
  2. octopus man

    40 gal breeding question

    you crazy
  3. octopus man

    Cycling new ten gal with very min live rock.

    Can someone tell me how long do I have to leave the krill in there, and do I re apply tomorrow afternoon or is one application enough? Edit: I don't need an answer, after more research I have decided that once is enough and also now I have to check my phosphates incase the krill released any...
  4. octopus man

    Cycling new ten gal with very min live rock.

    Quote: Originally Posted by xandrew245x Are you testing for ammonia every day? From what I know there is no such thing as "to alive" The cycle begins from waste breaking down and turning into ammonia, the bacteria in the live rock grow through your cycle to handle the load, and once your...
  5. octopus man

    Cycling new ten gal with very min live rock.

    Naw the krill I just did now, hours ago. I may add another tiny piece tomorrow but I believe this will do it. The live rock was just too alive, so it didn't release ammonia quickly. I'm not saying the live rock wouldn't work, I'm just saying it hasn't so far and literally has had 0 spikes in the...
  6. octopus man

    Cycling new ten gal with very min live rock.

    Ok so I am cycling another 10 gallon, I have about 5 pounds of live rock in the corner, very minimal. At the moment I have put frozen krill into a sock and am dangling it infront of the filter flow to hopefully spread it out through the tank. Since this is frozen krill though I assume it will...
  7. octopus man

    40 gal breeding question

    How many clownfish can I fit into one 40 gal? I want to fit 500 clownfish from fry to 1 and 1/4th inch size?? anyone think this is possible or should I just go for 300 or 400 So far I have raised 100 in 10 gallon, so following the simple pattern I'd guess 400.
  8. octopus man

    ORA goldflake maroon clownfish fry

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy Not to be a wet blanket but do you have the expressed permission from ORA to breed and sell their proprietary breed of fish I have not sold a single fish nor have I stated that I intend to do so. I simply wanted to value my assets, I have great insurance.
  9. octopus man

    ORA goldflake maroon clownfish fry

    150 to the store or per person?
  10. octopus man

    ORA goldflake maroon clownfish fry

    Looks like I picked the right clownfish then!
  11. octopus man

    ORA goldflake maroon clownfish fry

    Ok so i have two of these bad boys and their doin the dance, the eggs have been laid down and the magic is in the air. These are in my main 40 gal movin the eggs to the 10 gal. So my question is this. With the Picassos they have the premium Picasso and then they have the regular, is there a "...
  12. octopus man

    Question about water conditioner.

    No I just mean if the water conditioner would hurt the live rock directly. The water is already filtered well R/O filter, but I Forgot to add the water conditioner... It's like double safety. The live rock is already in there but the water is already filtered.
  13. octopus man

    Question about water conditioner.

    You're positive it won't affect the instant ocean formula? Or the live rocks?
  14. octopus man

    Question about water conditioner.

    If I add water conditioner after I added in the instant ocean, would it do anything wrong? I understand I am supposed to add it first, that is not possible at this moment.The tank is all set up but no fish.