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  1. rainbowgrouper

    Remember me?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff This picture My username and once my profile picture.
  2. rainbowgrouper

    Remember me?

    Picture Nada. Name el correcto
  3. rainbowgrouper

    Remember me?

    Hardly. Now who exactly am I?
  4. rainbowgrouper

    Need an opinion.

    I want a 50 gallon FOWLR saltwater tank when my dad get's a proper place ,but, I need to know how financially intensive it will be. (including running costs)
  5. rainbowgrouper


    Excellent fish for freshwater hobbyists at a moderate level. What do the collective freshies on this forum think?
  6. rainbowgrouper

    Whats your faverite fish and why?

    Moorish Idol for sure. Nigh impossible to keep in captivity but absouloutely gorgeous.
  7. rainbowgrouper

    Remember me?

    Remember me?