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  1. hallzy21

    14 gallon biocube stocking question

    Oh i thought clowns only needed 10 gallons. Well perculas anyways. Been reading that maroons need more since they get bigger.
  2. hallzy21

    14 gallon biocube stocking question

    Update: I've been having some trouble finding a rainsford goby, and I'm thinking about changing plans and maybe just going with a good old fashioned clown fish. Gobies are rather skiddish anyways, and since this can only be a one fish tank, I think I'll go with one that is sociable and full of...
  3. hallzy21

    14 gallon biocube stocking question

    Hi, The ONE rainfords goby is can't add not one more fish at all, of anything... If you really want more then one little fish, you will have to purchase a larger tank. Done deal! Thank u so much for all the info everyone! I will be looking to add a rainsford goby, and he will be an...
  4. hallzy21

    14 gallon biocube stocking question

    Thank your for the responses everyone! I think I have made a decision (for now) on what I would like to eventually add, but wanna get your input on what u think. I would like to add a court jester goby (rainsford goby), and possibly 2 or 3 firefish gobies. The only reason I say 2 or 3 is because...
  5. hallzy21

    14 gallon biocube stocking question

    Oh wow, I kinda figured it would be too small for a flame, but I thought a mandarin only needed a 10 gallon tank. Thank u for the info! I really wanted to avoid fish all together when I got this tank cause they make it so much harder to keep. I would like to add one fish tho. Not in any kind of...
  6. hallzy21

    ID floaties?

    Oh crap, I will try to fix that and repost the video.
  7. hallzy21

    14 gallon biocube stocking question

    I have a 14 gallon biocube that I set up about 6 weeks ago. I currently have some snails, hermits, and a brittle star for a CUC, and I also have a nice group of pulsing xenias, and a few blue mushrooms. I plan on adding more soft coral, maybe a clam, ect. What I am wondering about tho is what...
  8. hallzy21

    14 gallon biocube direction?

    Hi, I set up a 14 gallon biocube about a month ago. All of my water and rock was from my uncle's very established 140 reef tank, the only thing I had to buy starting out was a 20 lb bag of live sand, of which I only used 10 lbs. One of the rocks even had a couple nice pieces of pulsing xenias...
  9. hallzy21

    ID floaties?

    I was wondering if anyone could help figure out what these little floaties are? I can't tell if they are tiny bubbles or some kind of "floaties". I have a biocube 14 that is just a little over a month old. I'm not sure if it's part of the "start up process" or something that I need to take care...
  10. hallzy21

    Popped up out of nowhere! ID anyone?

    Hi, Even a little bit will spawn and go all over, but not real fast like a nuisance algae. You can replace your bio balls as long as you have light in the refugium you are creating. The macros will help to keep the water quality up. Macros doesn't hurt the corals, it rather keeps growing until...
  11. hallzy21

    Popped up out of nowhere! ID anyone?

    Hi, It's a decorative macroalgae, I paid $10.00 a pint for mine. Macros are really good, and helps your water quality stay pristine, since it feeds on all the stuff you want out of your tank (nitrates, phosphates, nitrites and ammonia) You let it grow to a certain size, then cut it back (called...
  12. hallzy21

    Popped up out of nowhere! ID anyone?

    Ok. I am going to keep coral, but I would also like to keep this micro algae as well, what is the reason that they shouldn't be kept together? The only coral I have right now is some pulsing xenias but I plan on adding more as soon as tomorrow.
  13. hallzy21

    Popped up out of nowhere! ID anyone?

    I looked it up and it does look like it could be Halymenia. Now since that is an algae, is it good or bad? I personally think they look really cool, and it's the perfect splash of color, but if it's bad then I could nip it in the butt now. Lol
  14. hallzy21

    Popped up out of nowhere! ID anyone?

    Here's a little better picture..
  15. hallzy21

    Popped up out of nowhere! ID anyone?

    This little guy just started growing on a rock that i got from my uncle. It started as just a small red spec and I've been watching it everyday and I am finally ready to confirm that it is some kind of coral. It's still pretty small now so its hard to get a good pic and may be hard to ID just...