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  1. sparticle

    what do i do with formerly live rock?

    Update: Here's the TetraTest Laborette kit water test result from today: L: Sample from curing tank with 'old' LR @ 5 days - 1.5 mg ammonia/liter :scared: R: Sample from 'live' stocked nano-reef tank - 0.0 mg/l :cheer: (And don't worry. That's a freshwater crayfish tank in the...
  2. sparticle

    what do i do with formerly live rock?

    Thanks so much. I don't mind the time spent doing it, and it will save a really nice chunk of rockwork.
  3. sparticle

    what do i do with formerly live rock?

    Thanks, guys. This is really helpful. I didn't want to just stick it on the bookshelf, but had no idea what else to do. I've been lurking for a few weeks but this is the first question I've had that I couldn't find an answer to by searching the site. Great forum.
  4. sparticle

    what do i do with formerly live rock?

    Hi, all. I'm very new to all this, so thanks in advance for your help. I have been given a 5-lb. piece of formerly live Fiji rock. Someone bought it, set up a SW tank, decided they didn't like the way it looked in their tank and took it out. They let it dry. :scared: I know, I know. Then...