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  1. G

    Sports Nutrition Store w/ 180 FOWLR

    Sorry for the delay everyone! Been super busy trying to get this place to open! But here are some pics,...
  2. G

    Sports Nutrition Store w/ 180 FOWLR

    Hey guys I don't know who this will reach but two things,...1) should I do refugium or just like a wet/dry sump,...I will start as a FOWLR then I MIGHT progress to corals. 2) my lfs is offering me a wet dry which is slightly used for $200 I don't think its a bad idea but I kind of want to build...
  3. G

    Sports Nutrition Store w/ 180 FOWLR

    Good morning all! It's been a long time coming but I am officially back in the hobby and actually putting the fish tank in the middle of my second location supplement store. The tank is being built as we speak. It will be a 180 gal 72/24/24 glass with a center overflow. I just wanted to start a...