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  1. S

    Salinity vs Specific Gravity

    Yes i have a refugium my tank is about 5 years old and refugium about 6 months old it is only just starting to grow sea grass in it i run as well a skimmer, nitrate reactor and phosphate reactor any suggestions would be helpful as just about to quit but don't want to give up as i love my tank thanks
  2. S

    Salinity vs Specific Gravity

    I am running a salt water tank with live coral and fish but i seem to have algea problem being green and red hair algea i run a sump tank with a phosphate, nitrate reactors as well as a skimmer any suggestion beside regualar water changes as i do that thanks
  3. S

    Salinity vs Specific Gravity

    Broomer I would like to get copy of your conversion chart as it would be very helpful you can send to my email which is i would really appreciate it thank you