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  1. julied

    Filtration System

    Our levels have been in the correct range according to our tests and our store's test. We even brought a sample to a second store to confirm. We tested many times. The frustrating thing is that we just would like a few fish, nothing fancy or challenging. A tank is so soothing, and the children...
  2. julied

    Filtration System

    I need some advice please! We have a 35g corner tank with about 30lbs of established LR. We've had an established tank for a couple of years now and can't keep fish alive. Ironically, we have this little lobster that seems to be doing well, and he's the only thing that has survived our many...
  3. julied

    Help! There's a creature in my tank!

    Okay everyone, We're ready to start over again. We're going today to get the skimmer, etc. We won't use tap water anymore. That has to be a big part of the problem, but the lobster has done so well so it's a little confusing. I'll check the alk and calc also, along with purchasing a better test...
  4. julied

    Help! There's a creature in my tank!

    Salinty is always right on. I use a hydrometer. We do use regular tap water, with the salt added accordingly, then add it to the tank. Water changes once a month, maybe about 10%. As far as algae growth, there is some, and our LR is becoming quite colorful, but that's supposed to be a good...
  5. julied

    Help! There's a creature in my tank!

    The test kit we use is the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit. It contains tests for Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, and pH. We check salinity at the same time. We use tap water--we have a water softener. No alkalinity kit. Should we get one? The equipment we use for the tank was purchased new and we...
  6. julied

    Help! There's a creature in my tank!

    Very sorry. Here are the water test results from this afternoon. Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0.25 pH 7.8 Temp 80 The pH is low, but it's normal range for us over the past 6 months has been been 8.2. If anything has ever been off, it is the nitrates, which happened once. We resolved that by...
  7. julied

    Help! There's a creature in my tank!

    Okay, we are truly novices, so I'm not sure. If you explain it, I can tell you if we do or not.
  8. julied

    Help! There's a creature in my tank!

    Our filtration system is the Cascade 700. Our water tests come out fine, and we have double-checked the results with the fish store for accuracy. The temperature is always around 79-80. We have had our tank for about two years. Our first purchase was one clownfish. He died within a week. After...
  9. julied

    Help! There's a creature in my tank!

    Thank you for helping me solve the "creature" issue. If you all say it's harmless, I'll take your word. So back to the issue of dying fish. We have a 36" corner tank. 3 very nicely established pieces of live rock. Just right for the tank in size. We have a few silk plants, some interesting...
  10. julied

    Help! There's a creature in my tank!

    I have a saltwater tank with a few large pieces of established live rock and one really cool lobster--can't remember the name but he's purple and orange. He's just a little guy, and he's doing well, unfortunately, every kind of fish my husband and I have carefully selected at the recommendations...