Search results

  1. gs

    LR for sale in Tx

    anywhere close to whitafalls i will pick it up
  2. gs

    Pulsing Xenia FS/FT

    3 stalks how much is shipping to 73505
  3. gs

    55g tank & equip for sale or trade in oklahoma

    well i am trying to get my reef tank established, i have some dead rock i am trying to seed it and want to get more more live rock in the process
  4. gs

    55g tank & equip for sale or trade in oklahoma

    Go You Have Any Lr You Want To Sell?
  5. gs

    Lights/Skimmer/Filter/RO Unit For Sale

    whats status on skimmer? shoot me an e mail p0pila(at)aol(dot)com the 0 in my e mail is a zero not the letter o
  6. gs

    Sale: Filters And Skimmer

    skimmer still for sale? is it the deluxe model? send me a pic p0pila(at)aol(dot)com the 0 inbetween the p's is an zero not the letter o
  7. gs

    Sale: Filters And Skimmer

    skimmer still for sale? is it the deluxe model? send me a pic p0pila(at)aol(dot)com the 0 inbetween the p's is an zero not the letter o
  8. gs

    Looking for light

    shoot me an e mail p0pila(at)aol(dot)com with pic if you can i am really intrested in the lights
  9. gs

    55 Gallon OKC

    ok well put me down for the light is you part out and the live rock and also the sand
  10. gs

    Looking for light

    switches still for sale?
  11. gs

    55 Gallon OKC

    when are you trying to stll the live rock. also will you part it out for the light, i will make a drive from lawton to okc.