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    Coral id

    Is this a Kenya or a colt?
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    Coral ID

    Hi. I picked up this coral from someone getting rid of their tank. Can anyone ID this coral? He told me it was a colt coral but I think it looks like a Kenya. Thoughts?
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    Advice please

    I have a green star polyp frag that I put in my tank about 2 weeks ago. They are out and seem to be doing fine. Here is my dilemma, I have them in a low flow part of my tank and I have read they need high flow. Do I move them to high flow area or leave them be?
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    Coral help

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    Coral help

    I have a 29 coral,life bio cube. What kind of corals can I have if I keep,the stock lighting...10,000K Daylight and a true Actinic 03 Blue compact fluorescent lamp PLUS Lunar Blue LED Bar. What kind of corals can I keep with this set up?
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    Any one?
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    Should i be running Carbon at all times? I have a 29 Bio cube.
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    Coral food

    What should I feed my green stay polyps and button polyps? The man at my local fish store told me to feed my corals phytoplankton and zoo plankton is this correct? I received a small frag from a friend who was going to throw it away. It is out and looking really good but I don't know what to...
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    Maroon Clowns

    Hello fellow Reefers! I had a newbie question. I am doing extensive research before i even attempt to stock my 29 gallon Bio Cube. Can I have 2 maroon clowns together or would only one be ideal? i ask because I heard they are aggressive. Also do they need an anemone? If so can i have an...
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    New Bio Cube 29 gallon Advise Please

    So watchman goby it is. Are they easy to care for?
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    Jaw fish or Goby?

    I do like the fire fish gobies they are very pretty! If I go with the watch man what does the pistol shrimp do, and can I have a pistol shrimp with a cleaner shrimp? Also what would you recommend for a sand cleaner or a CUC? Sorry for the questions but I really want to get it right!!
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    Jaw fish or Goby?

    I have a 29 gallon Bio Cube and i was wondering should i get a yellow watchman goby or a pearl jaw fish? also what kid of clean up crew should i get? I have 22 pounds of live rock and my tank is still cycling so i am just in the information gathering stages regarding my fish. Thanks
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    New Bio Cube 29 gallon Advise Please

    Hello all, I have a new 29 gallon Bio cube with 22 pounds of LR that has been cycling for a week. I am being proactive and starting my research for my stock list. I want to add the following when cycle is complete. 2 false percula clowns Either a Yellow watch man goby or a pearl jaw fish...