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  1. sang4201

    scooter blenny food

    I have a scooter in a 29 gal biocube. I know it is probably to small now, but seeing as I have him. I want to know what you think. My scooter will go to town on frozen brine but I was worried that this was not enough nutrition. I had one in a 5 gal tank once and it also ate frozen brine but...
  2. sang4201

    biocube water level

    I was wondering. If I have removed the bioball from my biocube 29, then is there a reason why I can't fill the tank all of the way up? Doing this would allow for skimmer (fission skimmer, unfortunately I already bought it so I might as well try using it) to fit into the 3rd compartment with...
  3. sang4201

    14G Biocuber

    call oceanic, they will quickly send new fans. I had the same problem and I got new fans in a couple of days
  4. sang4201

    What is this

    I thought that this was just something fossilized on my lr, but then it started to grow. I need to know if it is good, bad, or who knows. I hope these pictures are actually going to upload. In the first few pics there is the bumpy honeycombed looking white stuff. The last couple pictures has...
  5. sang4201

    clown changing color

    I have had a false perc for 2 or 3 years now. I kept him in a 5 gal tank up until a few weeks ago. I moved him up to a 29 biocube. He is doing great, still a bit sissy about the move, but he is starting to get comfortable. The only thing is that he is getting much darker in color. The orange...