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  1. J

    Clownfish has a coating of something on it.

    My lfs did not have formalin so I ordered it. It should be in between Monday and Wednesday. I have taken them out of DT and put them into qt. Should I do freshwater dips on them. Or just wait till meds come in
  2. J

    Clownfish has a coating of something on it.

    Oh sorry, PH: 8.0 Ammo: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: was 10, 5 after water 20% water change. Temp: 78 Salinity: 1.026 I was also feeding frozen complete marine diet, someone told me that was not as good just stick with mysis. I can go back to doing both if that would be better.
  3. J

    Clownfish has a coating of something on it.

    No both have it. The little one has less. I guess they are paired they follow each other all over the tank. I have had them about 2 months. I feed them my sis shrimp dipped in garlic and brine shrimp like once a week.
  4. J

    Help with clownfish.

    Hello again, I was just wondering if you could tell me should I do the freshwater dip everyday or every other day.
  5. J

    Help with clownfish.

    Yeah, I made sire water temp was same. I had to raise pH with a little bit of baking soda
  6. J

    Help with clownfish.

    OK, so here is where I am at so far I only have the two clownfish so I took them both out and did a 5 min freshwater dip. Question 1: after 5 min fresh water dip there is no visible change. Whatever it is, it is still there. I thought the freshwater bath would knock it off. Fish are now in 10g...
  7. J

    Clownfish has a coating of something on it.

    Sorry it is a little blurry, she didn't want to sit still for her picture. Lol
  8. J

    Clownfish has a coating of something on it.

    OK got it, here she is.
  9. J

    Help with clownfish.

    Hey guys, I have a concern about one of my clownfish. She has this powdery looking stuff on her. Now I have read about velvet and brookanella. However, when I read about these things they say that once symptoms are spotted these things can move very fast. They also say that signs include not...
  10. J

    Clownfish has a coating of something on it.

    I have tried, every time I try and post from my phone it says file to big. Oh and she is not hiding anymore. Out swimming around like happy little fish.
  11. J

    Clownfish has a coating of something on it.

    Hey guys, OK this is going to be a weird question. My black and white clownfish has a weird powdered coating on it. I have read and read about brookanella and Velvet. However, in everything I read it states that this sickness moves quickly. Signs include not eating, breathing hard, scratching...
  12. J

    Question about new setup?

    I'm really not sure, I like probably most people saw saltwater fish in stores and thought oh I want one of those. (Puffer, blue tang, yellow tang, angles) but since starting this and all the research I have done, I have found out that those will not work in my tank. And I am not one who thinks...
  13. J

    Question about new setup?

    Hello everyone, I have just set up a new 55g saltwater fish only tank. I did start with live sand and added a bottle of live bacteria to help it cycle. I have a fluval 306 canister filter rated for 303g an hour, a seaclone 100 skimmer, thermometer, and one power head. I cycled my tank for one...