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  1. Dafna

    Bicolor Blenny with cuts??

    Definitely! From the looks of it, do you think he'll be able to recover? A friend told me that bacterial infections can take out a fish in a matter of a week, so if my blenny has had this for at least 3 weeks or so, that must mean he was a pretty healthy fish and he is likely to recover. What...
  2. Dafna

    Bicolor Blenny with cuts??

    Woah! Had no idea a firefish could do something like that! Glad he was able to recover though. Did he recover on his own or did you have to treat him with something? Do you think my firefish might be a possible suspect in this situation?
  3. Dafna

    Bicolor Blenny with cuts??

    Here are some (hopefully) clearer photos that I took today. He's breathing a bit hard, but I'm guessing it's because the infection is on his gill? And it's not puffy or swollen, it actually looks like it's a cut and it goes in instead of out (it's like a hole in that sense). There is nothing...
  4. Dafna

    Bicolor Blenny with cuts??

    Thank you! I've bought the MelaFix and i am going to be putting 2.5 tsp everyday for seven days followed by a 5G water change every 3 days. I've put the 2.5 tsp of MelaFix already and will make sure to observe whatever effects it has on him. Thank you so much for your help!
  5. Dafna

    Bicolor Blenny with cuts??

    Thank you so much for your reply! What can I do if I can't isolate the blenny since I don't have a quarantine tank? Is there any way to treat it in the same tank with the other fish or would that not be a good idea? Also, could his wound/infection be transmitted to the rest of the fish? Thank you!
  6. Dafna

    Bicolor Blenny with cuts??

    Hello, I'm new to this forum and I decided that I would post about my bicolor blenny's unusual(?) condition here to hopefully get some answers. So on the morning of May 20th as I turned on the light of my tank I saw that my bicolor blenny looked like he had a small cut on his right cheek. At...