Search results

  1. jjthegunman

    help identify please, think sponge but want to make sure

    nope, doesn't look a thing like that, it says my pic is to big so I will have to figure some other way
  2. jjthegunman

    help identify please, think sponge but want to make sure

    My husband upgraded my reef tank, because he spilled milk in my old one and everything died. Anyways he went out an bought me a bunch of new stuff, and this thing that i think is a redish/pink sponges came on something he bought. the item it came with died so I pulled it off thinking it was a...
  3. jjthegunman

    can u help i runiuned my fish tank

    i am sorry guys but i spilled milk in my wife salt water tank some things survived some did not so i upgraded her tank to 37 tall it is 30 inches long so if some one has any old light system they want to get rid of cheap or have live rock or other fish cheap please let me know i really feel bad...
  4. jjthegunman

    30" coralife lunar aqualight

    hello i was wandering if you tell me how long the light is i have a 37 gallon aquarium i do not if it is long enogh also will u ship if how much please emial me asap at
  5. jjthegunman

    Beautiful Saltwater Livestock & Corals

    hello iam just waundering will u ship and handle if intersted is several fish and and live rock coral please email me at thank you
  6. jjthegunman

    Leaving the hobby, everything must go.

    not interested in selling sand
  7. jjthegunman

    Leaving the hobby, everything must go.

    i will give 15 dollars for all sand plus shiping and
  8. jjthegunman


    wtb :help: hello all i am new at this does any have any extra live rock ,live sand ,or fish ,urchin ,or and medium to small salt water animals ,coral they want to get rid or sell real cheap if willing to ship i am willing to pay shipping i have a twenty tall and a 75 gal and need more suplies...
  9. jjthegunman

    willing to tradem my whole tank for an electric guitar

    what kind of electirc guitar u looking and whats the location indy here
  10. jjthegunman


    am interest how much?
  11. jjthegunman

    Leaving the hobby, everything must go.

    hello i am new to this can u let me know also how much for the damsenl and urchin would bde with either all sand or at least 30 lbs of it aslo some live rock
  12. jjthegunman

    Leaving the hobby, everything must go.

    hello i am new to this how much would u be willing to sell of sand at one time and would you take 50 cents a pound for it or whatn price would u want for all the sand also would you sell live rock say 5 pounds at a time also how much might shiping be thank you