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  1. W

    Marine tidal pool project

    Thanks,for input, not decided,which way I want to go, I like,skimmers from past experiences, never used a,scrubber, do you have any experience with one you can share. Not opposed to frequent, large water changes, but tend to lean towards appropriate top offs only as long as system healthy, I...
  2. W

    Marine tidal pool project

    Hey good morning from sunny but waterlogged Florida. I am leaving for Va for a visit with my son, so no actual work on the pool for about 2-3 weeks, but will be posting pics, diagrams for sure. I know what you mean, I can look at one pic and do it, and read 5 pages of instructions and totally...
  3. W

    Marine tidal pool project

    Thanks will do.
  4. W

    Marine tidal pool project

    Not familiar with volcano tank, but like to know about it, might could use ideas or concept, any link or anything you could provide
  5. W

    Marine tidal pool project

    Will be posting some diagrams and pic a little later and would appreciate any input, and constructive criticism is welcomed, I don't like re-inventing the wheel. Main filtration will be a Magnum 350 canister and a smaller HOB.
  6. W

    Marine tidal pool project

    Hello, thanks for quick response. The tank I am using is a acrylic tank, 52 inches long, 24 inches wide and 8 inches deep. I am a very avid DIYer, and will make my own surge pumps, have done so in the past and worked well. High tide will hold approx. 35 gallons and low tide about 20 gallons...
  7. W

    Marine tidal pool project

    Hello everyone. Just joined and hope to get to know everyone as I go along. Not new to marine tanks but have been away from them for few years, and decided to come back. Currently have 2 freshwater tanks, a 55g community tank and a 140 fully round West African River tank. My upcoming project...