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  1. landonb16

    Blue Hippo Sick

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Like Sepulatian asked, I am also wondering if you have any anemones or strong stinging corals in your tank. No i don't have anything that would sting the tangs, i have many Candy Cane Corals and Mushroom Polyps. Any tips on getting him to eat? Thanks again, Landon
  2. landonb16

    Blue Hippo Sick

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Could you tell us a litle more about your tank. What size is it, how long has it been running, what else is in this tank? Also please list your exact water parameters: Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, salinity, and temp. Sure, i should have put all of that in...
  3. landonb16

    Blue Hippo Sick

    My blue hippo is sick, he isn't swimming much and he is not eating. It also seam like he can swim backwards. He has been like this for a couple of days now. He also has a weird spot on his side, here is a pic. Any ideas?
  4. landonb16

    need help with algea

    ratrod, Thanks for your help, i think i am going to try your way, i have tried everything else. I'll let you know how it goes, Thanks!
  5. landonb16

    need help with algea

    Originally Posted by rusting How old are your bulbs, and how much and often do you feed? replaced bulbs in september and i feed them every other day thin 4 X 4 inch square of sea weed.
  6. landonb16

    need help with algea

    Originally Posted by fedukeford It looks like hair algea. What are your phostphate levels? How much and how often to you feed the fish? what kind of skimmer? Feduke i feed the two tangs some seaweed every other day and i have a Coralife Super Skimmer. My phosphate test out at 0.01. Thanks...
  7. landonb16

    need help with algea

    So it started about 3 months ago and it keeps getting worst and worst. I have tried many things an i just can not seem to get rid of it. here are two pictures of it here are some...