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  1. mandarin310

    First Coral Purchase

    For the record trippkid I researched saltwater aquariums for over a year before diving in. As I stated in my original post, the website I purchased them from listed them as beginner corals not needing any special lighting. Is that my fault? NO it's not. Yes research is free but there is so...
  2. mandarin310

    First Coral Purchase

    I just purchased my first corals from another site. The only information given is care level (beginner, intermediate or advanced aquarist), lighting requirements and diety (meaty, etc.) I picked out corals fitting the beginner to intermediate care level need low to medium lighting. However, I...
  3. mandarin310

    Cleaning Sand Bed

    Ok, so my tank has finally cycled. However there is some debris in my tank probably from the lr die off. My lfs suggested I buy a suction hose to clean but, it just doesn't work very well. Any suggestions on the best way to clean the sand?
  4. mandarin310

    LR Question

    I have been setup for almost 3 wks now. I thought I was in the home stretch until last Sat I purchased 30 lbs lr from lfs. Guy told me it had been curing for a week and to just add it to my tank (55 gal, 25 lbs lr, 3 in ls), which I did. I noticed what smelled like stale water yesterday & my...
  5. mandarin310

    New Tank/brown Algae

    My tank has been cycling for about 10 days (55 gal, 3 in ls bed, 25 lbs lr) and I notice brown algae is starting to grow on one of my lr. Is this good or bad? Should I clean it off the rock? Thanks
  6. mandarin310

    SWF Contact #

    Does anyone have a telephone number for SWF customer service. I couldn't find it anywhere on the site. Thanks
  7. mandarin310

    Live Rock Die Off

    My tank has been setup for about a week now (55 gal, 25 lbs lr, 3 inch ls bed), I noticed the rocks are turning from brown with green coralline algae to a grayish tone. Is this die off? If so what's the best way to remove it without damaging anything? Also I plan to purchase 30 more lbs of...
  8. mandarin310

    New Setup

    I have just started my first saltwater tank (55 gal with 25 lbs live rock and 3 inch live sand bed). I tested my water 24 hrs after setup (Jan 20) & according to the test kit everything is within its norm. Has the tank not started to cycle yet? My LFS suggested that I get some damsels which I...