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  1. rionroxxx

    Fish ID please

    Just wanted to know the name of this fish. A buddy of mine bought it at a LFS and has no idea of the name, neither do I. He sifts sand through out the day. Also any info on the little guy will be awesome. Thank you in advance
  2. rionroxxx

    Please delete

    Double post please delete...
  3. rionroxxx

    Protein skimmer - what type

    Sorry to post jack...but is having two skimmers to much? Is there such a thing as "too much skimming?"
  4. rionroxxx

    NewB Lighting Question

    Anyone? The guy at the LFS said I can swap just the bulbs out to a different one...i'm confused now :help:
  5. rionroxxx

    store bought seawater

    I would be hesitant to using that water since for one the salt level can be off. Also you would always have to use that water as much as possible. Some salts are different and carry different benefits, what or who mixed the water? Are they always accurate?...I dunno I would just make my...
  6. rionroxxx

    NewB Lighting Question

    Ok thank basically the light the came with the tank is going to be just junked or stored since it's not going to be of any use? Also any reccomendations for lighting on a simple 29gal with a few anemones and about 15lbs-25lbs of LR? :notsure: whats the difference on the t-5 and the metals?
  7. rionroxxx

    Urchin Question

    So is having a sea urchin safe then taking that it stays and lives? I couldn't find any upkeep info on them. I have been eyeing this one that is small centered about 3 inch long spikes all over its body and is all black. I havent seen a picture anywhere online since I dont know its true name...
  8. rionroxxx

    Urchin Question

    I've heard if an urchin dies in your tank it's this true? I was planning on getting one if I ever get a bigger tank. Info on this and urchins in general. Thanks :thinking:
  9. rionroxxx

    NewB Lighting Question

    Hi there I'm Ryan and I'm new to these boards. I got a 29gal tank I want to end up putting some nice LR in and when the time permits get a few anemones in also. I've read that the anemones need a better lighting system to keep em happy. I'm going with probably something like a Pink Tip or...
  10. rionroxxx

    Hello all

    Hi there this is my first post here on these boards. Hello all! I have a 29gal tank. 2lbs of LR about 15lbs of base rock, 1 inch layer of "live sand." I'm running the Fluval 305 pump and heater. I have 4 Damsels in my tank. 1 Sgt, 1 Yellow tail, 1 3 striped, and a Chromis. The tank has been up...