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  1. saltyfish dude

    5 watts per gallon PC, clams, sps, lps...what can i keep?

    I recently got a coralife 48" 260 watt actnic / 10000k power compact fixture. This now gives me 2 equalling 520 watts over my 100 gallon reef setup. my tank is 48" long and 21" deep (kinda shallow, thats one of the reasons I liked the PC's). Keep in mind I also only have 4 soft corals right now...
  2. saltyfish dude

    Questions about home ro / di units, I need to get one

    where and how would I get ahold of Walter?
  3. saltyfish dude

    Questions about home ro / di units, I need to get one

    I am at the point where I would really love to have a home ro / di unit. although there a few factors I need to keep in mind. It is an apartment so I can't just go hook up to the hose and I can't necessarily alter the plumbing. I could tap into the tap water though. my next issue is water...
  4. saltyfish dude

    My 100 gal reef system: info, specs, photos

    okay, so these are some specs and info on my reef system. I have a photo link below.It is 100 gallons, 48x24x21h, with a 20 gal refugium (lots of live sand and caulerpa) cycling and setup began May 23, 2006 water quality as of 2/5/07: ph - 8.3 nitrates - 0 - 5 ..................(Hells Yeah!)...
  5. saltyfish dude

    VERY SERIOUS QUESTION! buying fish online?

    It sounds like all of you have good things to say. Besides a few with complaints about the customer service, which I have to say, I am in the restaurant business and I understand the importance of customer service. However, it is the quality and adaptiveness of the livestock that is the most...
  6. saltyfish dude

    VERY SERIOUS QUESTION! buying fish online?

    I have been all over the web looking over the different sites that import and sell marine fish and other aquarium specimans, and the services they provide. I've looked at this very, (obviously) and according to them, they send you only healthy fish that have already been eating...
  7. saltyfish dude

    freshwater dip? / copper dip?

    Now I have heard about both of these. I'm not sure what kind of freshwater I would use (RO? im assuming), and for the copper dip, what kind of copper or chemical exactly, and would that be in fresh or salt water, for how long and at what concentration? I curretly do not have a quarantine tank...
  8. saltyfish dude

    ich frustrations!!!!!

    I currently have an ich problem in one of my three saltwater tanks. I have been keeping saltwater for about a year now. My first was my 100 gal reef, the second, which is the one I am having the problem with, is a 72 gal bowfront with about 80 lbs of live rock. And I also have a 50 gal corner...
  9. saltyfish dude

    ich frustrations!!!!!

    I currently have an ich problem in one of my three saltwater tanks. I have been keeping saltwater for about a year now. My first was my 100 gal reef, the second, which is the one I am having the problem with, is a 72 gal bowfront with about 80 lbs of live rock. And I also have a 50 gal corner...
  10. saltyfish dude

    ich frustrations!!!!!

    I currently have an ich problem in one of my three saltwater tanks. I have been keeping saltwater for about a year now. My first was my 100 gal reef, the second, which is the one I am having the problem with, is a 72 gal bowfront with about 80 lbs of live rock. And I also have a 50 gal corner...
  11. saltyfish dude

    need sandsifter ideas

    first off, that red algae is not algae at all. It is a bacteria that forms primarily in newer systems, It is not good to have, although it really wont harm your inhabitants. It is very ugly however, and grows very quickly. and I'm sure you didn't go through all the trouble of a salt or reef...
  12. saltyfish dude

    New Vlamingee Tang and Auriga Butterfly

    Today I purchased a baby 3" Vlamingee Tang (unicorn or blue spotted tang) and an Auriga (Threadfin) butterfly. I have experience with the auriga butterflies myself with success. I'm wondering if there is anyone who may have some good experience with the Vlamingee Tang that may be able to share...