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  1. Jax0311

    Clowns mating???

    I have a bonded pair of misbar clowns. All of a sudden today ALL the fish in my tank (135 gal) started cleaning the same Rock everytime they swam past including the clowns. Earlier tonight my clowns started doing what I think is like their mating dance?? I looked up mating behavior and it seems...
  2. Jax0311

    Bristle or fire worm???

    Thank you so much bang! So as long as I don't touch them we are ok lol.
  3. Jax0311

    Bristle or fire worm???

    So they won't bother my clowns starfish or dogface puffer? Will they get huge? Some on the one rock are already kinda big. Sorry these are my first hitchhikers.
  4. Jax0311

    Bristle or fire worm???

    Recently got some LR from somewhere other than my normal "fish guy". Tonight hubby and I noticed these hitchhikers hanging out on the rock. What the heck are they and what should I do with them?? Thanks y'all!