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  1. M

    Copepod overload

    Okay. Either way beneficial and nothing to worry about then? So possibly an increase since the tanks are fallow. They are in both my tanks. 46 gallon bow front and 135 rimless cube. I've never purposely introduced them into the tank so was unsure where they came from or what they were. I'll try...
  2. M

    Copepod overload

    I've recently had a horrible ich outbreak and lost majority of my fish. Remaining are in QT with copper and doing well 2 weeks in. I noticed yesterday an invasion of Copepods, or what I think are Copepods. Can someone confirm for me and what's causing the sudden increase? They are everywhere...
  3. M

    Parasite plague

    The nitrite test was showing 5ppm. I've never seen a nitrite level this high. I'm at full dose in copper. Lost my Cardinal this morning. I'm down to 2 chromis and 1 lemon head goby. This is so devastating. The cardinal never even showed a single symptom. Makes me wonder if I'm dealing with...
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    Parasite plague

    But it's my nitrites that are high, nitrates are only reading 5ppm.
  5. M

    Parasite plague

    Okay more questions...came home to dose second copper amount. Decided to check water parameters. My nitrites are off the chart!! But no ammonia detected. I have test kit and ammonia badge, as I know copper can give false readings for ammonia. I changed out 4 gal in 10 gal. Nitrite reading still...
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    Parasite plague

    What do you recommend for tank temperature? I have it set at 80 degrees now.
  7. M

    Parasite plague

    Oh okay 11 weeks it is. I suppose those 4 small fish should be okay in a 10 gal with my ridiculously overrated canister filter. Lol. What do you recommend for copper treatment duration? I'm still a bit confused about dosing copper with water changes. Do I just hold off on water changes unless I...
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    Parasite plague

    Although, I feel like I'm doing a complicated chemistry experiment while testing for copper ;). Thanks for all your help. I'll continue to treat with copper, leave display empty for 8 weeks and hope for the best. This hobby relaxes me and stresses me out at the same time.
  9. M

    Parasite plague

    I only added a pantyhose full of sand. Tank is bare bottomed with a few decorations to hide in. I'm using a copper test with the Cupramine. I actually assumed it's more than 10gal since the canister filter is rated for 55gal. I know overkill but that's I'll I had. That at least hold a few extra...
  10. M

    Parasite plague

    bang guy, Thank you for your reply. So continue with the copper at 0.5mg\L? I am using Cupramine. I set up HT in uncycled tank but did pull a canister filter and bag of sand from the main tank. Will this be sufficient? I also have an ammonia badge alert since it's only a 10gal holding 2...
  11. M

    Parasite plague

    Hello all!! This is my first post on this forum, although I have been trolling the forums for awhile . My story starts with a beautiful dogface puffer that developed what I believe to be ich. Long story short it has wiped out most of my livestock. I stupidly tried garlic and vitamins to boost...