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  1. J

    Over run but zoanthids

    Frag them out and list them on eBay orcraigslist.
  2. J

    Suggestions for sump/skimmer

    It is 12" wide, 18" deep and 15" tall
  3. J

    Suggestions for sump/skimmer

    I have had a corner tank for about 10 years now, and we recently moved and I went from a FOWLR tank to a tank with a few zoa's and I am already looking for some more corals! I have thought for years about adding a refugium to this tank, but I just don't see how it is possible because of the...
  4. J

    Moving up from FOWLR to Reef

    Well the move did not got exactly as planned...the movers originally agreed to move 2 large totes of water for me, but then when the truck arrived at the new house they said that they were unable to bring it due to insurance purposes?? So I had to keep the fish in the small tote an extra night...
  5. J

    Moving tank

    I did this a few years ago. I just bought two totes at Walmart and moved my water and rocks into the totes, and then slid them into another room where we were not doing the floors. I used an over the back filter and just hung it over the edge of the tote for the day while the floors were...
  6. J

    Moving up from FOWLR to Reef

    Thanks for the advice. The 75 is a corner tank, so it would not work for a sump, but I might just have to have 2 tanks! I have a tomato clown I love, but the kids really want a "nemo", so this might be a good excuse.
  7. J

    Moving up from FOWLR to Reef

    We are moving at the end of May, and my husband suggested that I get a new tank for the new house (No clue how I scored this!). I have had a 75 gallon FOWLR tank for 10 years now and I really have no clue how to start on a new tank since it has been so long. I have a few questions I am hoping...