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  1. manny222

    HELP cant beat the slime

    small amount of brine every other day. raising the salinity up now so I can add the snails back what would you suggest for chem treatment, It just rinses off dont need to really scrub may alittle rubbing.
  2. manny222

    HELP cant beat the slime

    I just cant seem to get the red stuff gone, tanks been up now 4mths. 35#'s LR 1.5" CC bed 108watt PC w/ new bulbs 3 weeks ago only on for 5hrs day. all levels about 0, Phosphates were high added a poly filter to help, Have been doing HYPO for about a mth and I think ick is gone. Fluval 405 w/...
  3. manny222

    Red Slime & green stuff w/ pics, need help

    thanks how did you do it?
  4. manny222

    Red Slime & green stuff w/ pics, need help

    Sorry for the long post but wanted everybody to know the story has to give a educated SOLUTION. Can't get rid of red slime,keep doing water changes and scrubbing of rocks under tap water, comes back really fast w/in a day, and also now have green stuff not hair.55 gal w/ 30#s LVR and some old...
  5. manny222

    Beth, Ick and Red lime

    I have been reading SWF for years and had a really nice tank a few years ago and am just starting a new one on 11/17/06. I have about 50#'s LR CC bed and started w/ SW from LFS. Things were good at 1st, cycled fast w/ Grn Chromis's then the clowns. Then added a Coral BTY on 1/14 in 2 days had...