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  1. pettyhoe

    Not for the squeamish - anemone gone bad

    I have witnessed a large green carpet anenome kill two yellow tangs, both completely healthy. This same anenome almost killed a third, but the tang flung it self out at the last second. It does not have to be dead or even dying for a carpet to take down a healthy fish. Also, with experience...
  2. pettyhoe

    The Fairest Protein Skimmer in All the Land?

    I can vouch for the Terminator II. I have had it for about 3 months and it skims like a champ. The top doesn't have to be cleaned until the overflow tube is clogged, you just have to empy whatever cup your using for the overflow. It can also be plumbed outside f the tank, which is a nice...
  3. pettyhoe

    Sump questions?

    I think building sumps are fun, you can learn quite a bit about the hobby, plumbing, and fluid dynamics. On the other hand, if you don't feel like learning from mistakes in some cases, then try going to the LFS and if they take trade ins, ask if they have any used sumps. The one here always has...
  4. pettyhoe

    what to put in the sump

    enough filtration is based upon a lot of things. How often are you doing water changes, how much fish are you stocking, how much are you feeding, how much LR do you have? There are a lot of things that go into the right amount of filtration. I run carbon on all of my tanks occasionally, as...
  5. pettyhoe

    hair algae

    Become a snail and pick it out with your hands, its the best method of getting rid of it. It will come back if you don't have an adequate clean up crew and right water parameters.
  6. pettyhoe

    Urchin Attacked?

    I think that urchins take a while to starve. Or possibly that you had a water quality swing which caused him too much stress. I don't believe he was attacked from your list of inhabitants.
  7. pettyhoe

    New 75gal reef setup help. Please?

    No sand in the sump, it will only cause more trouble than its worth IMO. The live rock is a good idea, bio balls tend to need cleaning due to their material, otherwise they become nitrate factories. If too much debris gets down there after a while, then just stir it up and it will get in your...
  8. pettyhoe

    which lighting to get?

    I didn't say T5's wouldn't do the trick, just that only a few of them wouldn't do the trick. And regardless of what you say, MH bulbs add considerable heat to a tank, which other lights do not, which has to be considered. And MH also have considerable more water penetration than any other...
  9. pettyhoe

    Bristle Worm

    I've seen them eat coral, plenty of times.
  10. pettyhoe

    Metal Halide lighting question, need opinions!

    I use 2x175 and 2 65W PC 50/50's. I love the color!
  11. pettyhoe

    Bristle Worm

    Your gonna find plenty of bristle worms in your salt water experience. They are there even if you never see them, I promise. If you see them, take them out, especially if they are big. If you can't get them, don't worry too much, they usually only feed on leftover and dead and decaying matter...
  12. pettyhoe

    which lighting to get?

    sps, no. lps, some. anemones, some. I house a beautiful frogspawn (lps) coral in my 29 biocube, and those are only PC's. The T5's, if there are a lot of them, you could house all of them, but you'll want an INTENSE light to house sps and have them thrive. I've had no problems with a lot of the...
  13. pettyhoe

    So whats the deal...

    ghost shrimp can live in a salt water tank for quite a while, I actually had one live in my 29 BC for 5 months! If you want to keep them in a separate tank, I would just setup a small 10 gallon with a sponge filter to keep them in. I did that to feed my baby angler for a while. More than...
  14. pettyhoe

    HELP !!!! Chiller Question

    If you blowing through chillers, I would rethink where and how the chiller is being setup. Is it being maintained and cleaned? Is it getting proper ventilation? Might save a little money. I have an extremely old current Prime chiller on my 75, and it can get it down to 60 degrees if i asked...
  15. pettyhoe

    Sump/fuge finished..suggestions???

    I say the benefits of the DSB is not worth the effort and difficulty with the tank to do so. Plus, you wont have a lot of space to do much of one. I say skip it and save the room, you'll love it later when maintaining.
  16. pettyhoe

    So whats the deal...

    with some fish, it is necessary to spot feed them, for they will not eat otherwise. When buying them, float them in the bag and see if the fish eating them is enticed (you'll know if he is, it will try and eat them through the bag), if so, when released from the bag, he will hunt, kill, and eat...
  17. pettyhoe

    Metal Halide lighting question, need opinions!

    Remember that MH bulbs only put out a limited spectrum of light, although it is intense, it is not wide. I say to supplement so that the corals "pop" more and receive the proper levels of the light spectrum they need. Corals will do well in a MH only setup, but thrive in a supplemented setup...
  18. pettyhoe

    Please Help...

    On top of all the advise you've recieved, run a bag of Phosgaurd and a bag of Activated carbon, where it will receive a large amount of water flow, this will take out a significant amount of the organic source that feeds the algae. If you kill the lights and end up killing the algae, think, the...
  19. pettyhoe

    protein skimmer problem/question

    With any skimmer, the only thing that really makes the amount of gunk flow is the amount of bubbles the air intake makes. The method of air to water ratio is different for every skimmer, but make sure that you are at least making bubbles, after that, max the bubbles out by messing with the...
  20. pettyhoe

    Metal Halide lighting question, need opinions!

    I wouldn't go with a 20K bulb unless you have a PC or T5 supplement. They are too blue for me. More efficient and cooler are two very important features to have with MH's, I would go with that one, even though more expensive, your going to want this purchase to last a long time, and with the...