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  1. S

    Sealife Aquariums Corporation

    Check it out... Indiegogo campaign.
  2. S

    Planning stage for 8' long tank - stocklist

    How about a wrasse, very active fish.
  3. S

    Sealife Aquariums Corporation

    Yes the slot covers can be adjusted to restrict flow. Or they can completely slide off. U like? Can I follow your post?
  4. S

    Sealife Aquariums Corporation

    Magnet inside and outside. Magnetically affixed.
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    Sealife Aquariums Corporation

    Yes vortech aquarium pump invented a non-submersible motor. Too expensive and did not warranty when they got wet and damaged when they first came out. My invention was right after the vortech propeller pump, by a few weeks.
  6. S

    Sealife Aquariums Corporation

    All pumps being sold can move from the outside as my invention.
  7. S

    Sealife Aquariums Corporation

    I am first to invent motor and impeller assembly with magnetic attachment together, and 20 + companies copied and sold my invention. Tunze was first to copy they invented and patented separate magnet holder, motor and impeller. I FILED 2006
  8. S

    Sealife Aquariums Corporation

    Check it out..... Indiegogo campaign.... "Current Like Nature Intended"