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  1. joway

    t5's - t6's? whatever it takes

    thanks for the info, i'm leaning toward t5's, but worried about fitting all the bulbs and reflectors over the tank and still being able to have access
  2. joway

    t5's - t6's? whatever it takes

    i have a 6' 125gal wanted to upgrade lighting, i was thinking of doing 4x96w which are considered to be t6's or 4x80w t5's,is there really that much difference? i would have to stagger the t5's they are only 60", has anyone done this? does it look alright?
  3. joway

    fish to coral ratio?

    wanted to change from fish only to corals, are there any guidelines as to how many fish-corals you can keep, it seems like you have to keep less fish with corals, I have 8 fish in a 125gal will i have to cut down on fish population?
  4. joway

    lighting question

    wanted to change from fish only to corals, I have 125gal 6ft x 18inch deep, wanted to do some zoos and maybe an anemone for my clowns, can I get away with pc's or do I need something stronger, I want to get this right the first time, I cant afford to keep upgrading thanks for any input!!!