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  1. susan2

    Help with leather coral

    I have had my leather coral about 6 months now. Seemed to be doing well, took a while to find a spot it seemed to like. The past few months it seems to be withdraw more than open and it seems to be smaller than when I first purchased it. It opens every few days, sloughs off a thin layer of film...
  2. susan2

    Something wrong w/perc's

    Don't think my damsel is harrassing them. I spent pretty much the last 2 days in front of my tank, trying to figure out what is wrong with them. Nobody seems to be bothering them. One of my clownfish seems to be breathing very rapidly now, this is not looking good.
  3. susan2

    Something wrong w/perc's

    :notsure: :notsure: I have 2 percula clownfish. They have only been in my tank a week. Look healthy no obvious signs of disease. They a hovering in the backcorner of my tank and not eating for the last 2 days. Anyone have any suggestions? I know this is not good. My water seems fine 0 ammonia...
  4. susan2

    Maroon wont leave corner. please help!!

    I'm sorry to say I'm not the only one with clowns staying in one place in the tank. Mine are hovering on the side of the tank too. Starting to worry, now they are not eating ( 2 days) They look healthy no obvious signs of illness, just won't leave their spot and now have decided not to eat...