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  1. kthomas

    AWWW my fish hate me

    my bicolor blenny used to bite me too...i think he's just used to me now...or maybe the clowns let him know i feed them.
  2. kthomas

    Bicolor blenny

    I've only had mine for about 2 weeks, but he is mostly out in the open...and he will bite my hand when i'm moving stuff around in the tank. He is quite the character.
  3. kthomas

    life span of goby

    i also have a green clown goby and he's great. he's been in my tank for 9 months.
  4. kthomas

    Dog Whisperer

    It's funny that the "Dog Whisperer" is used as an example in treating fish humanely...since the Humane Society is anti-Dog Whisperer and his dominance techniques and have asked that his show be taken off the air. That being said, I don't know much about aggressive fish but I know a lot about dogs.
  5. kthomas

    ID Please

    This thing was attached to a mushroom rock I got a few weeks was on the underside of the rock so I thought it was a mushroom that turned black from not getting any light....and then I saw it moving around my tank a few days later. Its black with a ruffled edge and 2 anntenae. Is it...
  6. kthomas

    Fission Nano SKimmer Question

    i never got mine to collect anything, but it sure did put a lot of micro bubbles in my tank. i took it out of my biocube last week and added LR rubble