Search results

  1. boston

    T5 Light Acclimate

    I just got my new 4 -54 Watt T5 retrofit kit, I have them 5' off the water. I also put a layer of egg crate between the lights and the water to help acclimate the corals. I have a 75 gallon tank, I had been using a 4 x 65 watt pc fixture. What sort of schedule is recommended to acclimate...
  2. boston

    T5 Bulbs

    I ordered these bulbs from the ReefGeek, ATI blue plus, UVL 75/25, ATI Aqua sun and ATI Blue plus. What will be the over all color be? Also what is the difference between ATI Aquablue and ATI Aqua sun ? I have a 75 Gallon mixed reef tank.
  3. boston

    PC Lighting

    I have a 75 Gall RR tank with soft corals, with 260 watts PC lighting. How far should the lights be off the water? Right now there are in a canopy, the lights are about 4 1/2 inchs off the water, is that to far?
  4. boston

    Chem-Pure Elite

    Should i use Carbon with Chem-Pure Elite ?
  5. boston

    Power Head Cleaning

    What is the best way to clean Your Power heads (Remove coralline )
  6. boston


    Can someone tell me what the Perfecto 75 reef ready tank overflow is rated for?
  7. boston

    Reef Ready Perfecto Tank

    How quiet is a Perfecto Reef Ready Corner overflow Tanks
  8. boston


    How do most of you use Phosban ? should I use a Reactor or just put it in the sump?
  9. boston

    Overflow height

    What is a good Height for the water to be above overflow?
  10. boston

    My new 75 rr stand so far

    This is my new stand so far , it is made out of solid oak I just finished the canopy
  11. boston

    Carbon help

    Should I use carbon in a reaf tank? If so where do you put it in your sump? Would it be ok in a screen sock where the water comes into the sump?
  12. boston

    sump help

    I would like to know what is a good size sump for a 75 gal reef ready tank is. 10,15 20 or 29 gal. Can i use a rubbermaid tub with out the baffles ,if i run the in line into a filter sock, with the skimmer on one side and the return pump on the other side? with some live rock in the middle
  13. boston


    What Do Most Of You Do 10,000 K Or Actinic Blue In Front ? I Have A Coralife Compack 260 Watts