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  1. coraldude

    my new tang

    I hate to be the first one to say this but, it looks like it has HLLE. You might want to see if you can take it back.
  2. coraldude

    Lighting for Reef & Hair Algae problem!

    You can get a reverse osmosis system or just buy reverse osmosis water from your LFS of Wal-Mart.
  3. coraldude

    PLease!!! Serious help needed for neglected tank

    Start off with some water changes and add a couple of peppermint shrimp to get rid of the aiptasia.
  4. coraldude

    Help - All my fish died, even the bristle worms.

    Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22 You may be right, a bioload meltdown shouldnt happen that fast though. I disagree that a Pygmy Angel cannont be maintained in a 29... CANNOT and SHOULD NOT are two different things. Centropyge species prefer a larger tank with plenty of LR for grazing. Yes, a...
  5. coraldude

    Quick help! What critter is this??

    It doesn't look like any fireworm I have seen. I would be careful and not touch it.
  6. coraldude

    Not sure whats up with my tank

    Originally Posted by juice_1080 So I think I figured out what the problem is I threw my hydrometer in there just now and it read about 1.023 and it said the temp was about 62F which could be why everything is so inactive, because they are cold and trying to conserve energy. So tomorrow when I...
  7. coraldude

    Help - All my fish died, even the bristle worms.

    Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22 It sounds like you had a decent system going with livestock and equipment. Obviously the tang shouldnt be in a 29 gallon tank and I dont think the puffer or horseshoe crab should either. I dont know how grown any of these fish are but the utter meltdown of the...
  8. coraldude

    Not sure whats up with my tank

    Originally Posted by juice_1080 Alright thanks for the help anyways I replaced about 5-6 gallons and dropped the salinity to 1.022-3. Right away they seemed alot more active but it may just be because they were confused. Hopefully things go uphill from here If it's a reef tank you should keep...
  9. coraldude

    Unknown Growth - ID Please

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Well if they dont multiply then they are not as bad as the ones that do.. however they are know to be highly aggressive and if let go they can multiply and damage fish and corals. And also wage war on each other which turns physical combat into biological...
  10. coraldude

    Unknown Growth - ID Please

    Originally Posted by dborne3 i had also read that thread - i think the peppermints were mistaken as camelbacks? But i would make sure before coming home with some zoa eaters. The easy way to tell the difference is that the Camelbacks have a "camel like" hump on their backs and Peppermints...
  11. coraldude

    Not sure whats up with my tank

    I agree sounds like a chemistry problem. You should do a 20% water change and see if that helps. Also, do you have a pic of this Damsel that nobody has ever seen before?
  12. coraldude

    Reef Tank and LR

    I think 1190 gph at around 21x turnover.
  13. coraldude

    Store bought Clams

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ yes, xenia consume dissolved nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia, there is an article called "down the drain nutrient export in marine aquaria" xenia was shown to contain a minor amount of nitrates a moderate amount of nitrites and a moderate amount of ammonia. as we...
  14. coraldude

    Reef Tank and LR

    I would be careful adding LR after corals. The die off could cause an ammonia spike that could be catastrophic, depending on how much LR and the quality. As far as how much LR to add, it's all a matter of personal preference. Sure, the more you have the more surface area for bacteria, pods...
  15. coraldude

    Sea Cucumbers posionious?

    Originally Posted by chefmack Are sea cucumber toxic if they die in your tank? I heard this from one of my reef friends. THanks Mike I have heard this too. I've also heard that some can release toxins if they are alive and wipe out a whole tank.
  16. coraldude

    Store bought Clams

    Originally Posted by nycbob if u r looking to lower nitrates, why not try getting xenia? Xenia to lower nitrates?????
  17. coraldude

    Will a damsel be ok?

    Originally Posted by ninjamini damsel are territorial and will defend there home. That means that they will not be nice to other fish. Get em if you want but in 8 or so months you will be asking ... "How do I get a damsel out of a 55 reef? Do I need to take the tank apart?" I am asking this...
  18. coraldude

    Frogspawn baby???

  19. coraldude

    Frogspawn baby???

    Well, doesn't matter now it disappeared in the middle of the night. I'm still curious though.
  20. coraldude

    Frogspawn baby???

    Tonight I found what looks like a tiny frogspawn tentacle on a rock below my frogspawn. The colony looks as good as always, so I don't think it was a tentacle that was torn off. Can frogspawn reproduce by budding?