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  1. d_doug5

    fluidized bed filter does anyone use one and other questions

    yes filter to remove green alge i have pics on my puter just dont know how to put them on here. i going to get a coralife super skimmer
  2. d_doug5

    fluidized bed filter does anyone use one and other questions

    i wanted to know they say they work good for a high bio load . i also would like to know in a 4 month old 30 gal tank that i have. one i think i have been through it all went trough the cycle ok and the the alge problem, i started useing Ro water and i rented a diatom filter to clean it. came...
  3. d_doug5

    Cloudy water

    my nitrates are at 20,nitrites are at 0,ph is between 8.0-8.4, the salinity is at 30, the specific gravity is 1.022, alkalinity is 160-170
  4. d_doug5

    Cloudy water

    i have a 29 gallon tank the tank has cycled and is doing great. all the levels are at ideal. The problem is the water is yellowish and is very cloudy. Any ideas on how to clear it up? i have done a part. water change but that did not help. i have a protein skimmer and a Cascade 700 system on it...
  5. d_doug5

    Fla. Condi has attached herself to a hermit crab

    yes it was so funny when i got up this morning and there she sit right on his shell just hanging out lol the hermit crab is going about his daily cleaning in my tank and she is going along for a ride.
  6. d_doug5

    Fla. Condi has attached herself to a hermit crab

    I have a fla. condi and she has attached herself to one of my cleaner hermit crabs is this normal and will she be ok? Has anyone ever heard of this? she seems happy as she can be just sitting here on his shell running around in my tank .
  7. d_doug5

    Fiddler Crabs

    thank you so much. my son saw some in a pet store that were blue and there were some that were red . and we were just wondering about them. are they the same kind you are talking about ?
  8. d_doug5

    Fiddler Crabs

    Hi i am new to the salt water tank . My son wants to add some fiddler crabs to our tank and i was wondering if anyone knew anything about them. I have Dansels and a florida condi in there and a few snails and a couple hermit crabs already in there plus a brittle star fish. Will the crabs eat or...
  9. d_doug5

    Florida Condi Anemone help

    She is still eating when i feed her and she has moved to another rock. But i noticed in the bottom of the tank next to her is a small ball with a little spike on it .. it is white looking but it has what looks like a vein in it ... any idea of what this is .. did it have a baby ?
  10. d_doug5

    Florida Condi Anemone help

    it is a new tank we just went threw the first stage with the ammonia spiked and it is back down to between 0.2-0.4 right now. the nitrate are at 20,nitrite 0-.5, alkalinity is at around 250,ph is at 8.4. the light in the tank are the ones that came with the tank .
  11. d_doug5

    Florida Condi Anemone help

    I have a 30 gallon tank that we have had up for like a week now and my husband added a anemone and it seemed to be doing well but now she keep laying on her side and gets what looks like she is pulling her self inside . Is this normal ? we have been feeding her cut up shrimp and Phyto plan...