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  1. jackson82nd

    sea urchin????

    have a pencil urchin in our reef tank...its going into our FO tank AS SOON as its established. They seek out dead fish...that can be good they get rid of the evidence but we arent sure on our first hippo tang whether it caught it while it was sleeping on the rocks or not. Other bothersome...
  2. jackson82nd

    please help need ideas for stocking my 35 gallon

    clowns can go with just about anything but other kinds of recommend a second of the same type of clown but dont put a different kind of clown in there. is it a reef tank or fish only? thats gonna help people tell you good stuff.
  3. jackson82nd

    What one fish to build your tank around?

    dottybacks are neat and good looking fish but beware when they have been in the tank awhile they become very territorial and aggresive...toward everything except stuff MUCH larger than them. I d definately go with a pair of clowns and a scooty blenny.
  4. jackson82nd

    HELP!! I think it's dying

    You probably just shocked it. It doesnt look much different than a FS that closes up for the night. Ours does that at night (maybe not QUITE as small but i wouldnt worry too much) and in the morning when the daylight come on its huge. Give it a few days Im sure it will come back around.
  5. jackson82nd

    Mantis shrimp

    Think we know which rock it lives of our base rocks luckily its one of the ends. Still deciding what to do about it tho.
  6. jackson82nd

    Mantis shrimp

    Ok new problem to our reef tank. I have been hearing a clicking for awhile (ive been laid up on the couch for 3 weeks with a bad ankle injury) My aunt was blowing it off saying its just the filter. Our serpent star winds up with a hole in is head all of a sudden. An hour after we get him out...
  7. jackson82nd

    Die off

    yeah we have one pencil urchin but weve had him in ther for about 5 monthsand this is the first time we ve seen a big spot like this and smaller spots on rocks nearby.
  8. jackson82nd

    Die off

    It started with just one spot on one LR but now theres a couple rocks near it happening the same. It's a spot on the LR that it seems the alge is gone and all the livingness to that spot was bleached. All the parameters are normal in the tank. It s our reef tank so theres alot to...
  9. jackson82nd

    Getting out too . . . PICTURES!

    Sheesh is everybody in the Lorain/Cleveland area getting out of the hobby? A store musta closed. Well I am from Lorain myself but stationed down in NC. If you had better pics I might consider having my brother in law pick that set up up for me and Id get it next time I'm home. I d have to...
  10. jackson82nd

    HELP, if i treat my tank to clear Aiptasia will it hurt anything at all in my tank?

    trying to get rid of our apraisia we have added pep. shrimp first couple times they were gone quick cause they were small have a coral banded a fire shrimp and a cleaner, this time I found the 2 biggest pep. shrimp i could put 2 of them in there 3 days ago. They are both still alive and I have...
  11. jackson82nd

    Cleaning agressive tank

    would a stick urchin survive in a FO tank? We have one in our reef tank and we want to boot it from there cause if a coral isnt glued down it will knock it down. Might think about a sea biscuit for cleaning the bottom too. Have one in our reef and probly will put one in aggresive tank also...
  12. jackson82nd

    its that time again thrus nite 6 pack

    Very nice stuff.
  13. jackson82nd

    how much is too much

    Yeah were done on the fish. All we think about adding is inverts and corals. Inverts just cause of their cleanup. Added 2 peppermint shrimp and a purple nudibrach to take care of aptaisia. Crossing my fingers on that.
  14. jackson82nd

    Anybody on here from around cleveland?

    I am from Lorain but in the Army stationed in NC. Yeah I call my sister and brag about the 75 degree weather in february.
  15. jackson82nd

    question about stocking

    Yeah I read these boards everyday atm as I am laid up on convalescent leave cause i shatered my ankle on a jump ( US Army paratrooper). So yes I am aware 55 is too small for these. I am Currently looking for the upgrade on the tank, that's not a problem. Hoping to have one by the time I have...
  16. jackson82nd

    how much is too much

    Is there a formula for how much coral is too much for a tank? I have gone by the formula size of tank in gallons cut it in half and thats the total amount in inches of fish you want to put in the tank. Is there something most folks follow for corals? I don't think we are at a max on corals...
  17. jackson82nd

    question about stocking

    Ok question about a fish only tank. I do know at 55g its too small but im planning on getting these fish as juveniles and upgrading the tank as they get bigger and i get a bigger tank. On to my list. Huma Huma trigger, dogface puffer, panther grouper, and a queen angel. My main supplier says...
  18. jackson82nd

    found something new

    :notsure: Ok was looking at my reef tank with lunar lights on to find my star poly rock fell knocking off my carnation ( problydone by stick urchin hes going into FO tank when its done). Anyways i noticed something was a type of snail which had a soft cover that was rectangular but...