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  1. nluvw/pets

    New Arrival Floating!!!

    We did everything that said and our blue chromis, green chromis and now our blackcap have all died and we just got them yesterday. The only things survived is the maroon clown and it's bubble anenome and thank god for that! They are doing great. I just wish everything else...
  2. nluvw/pets

    Is this normal when acclimating?? (Royal Gramma)

    My basselet is acting funny too. He's laying in the plants on his side but is breathing normal.
  3. nluvw/pets

    New Arrival Floating!!!

    Now he's sunk and not moving except for breathing! Is he going to die or can I save him??
  4. nluvw/pets

    New Arrival Floating!!!

    We just recieved our shipment and we have our blackcap basslet in the box and he is still floating. He is still alive and tries to swim down but can't seem to stay down. What can I do to help him or will this just go away? Our other fish purchased are just fine and already acclimated into our...