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  1. deer

    Any reef safe Angelfish?

    Genicanthus are all reef-safe.
  2. deer

    Cyanide poisoning? Grrr...

    Noted. Thanks for the help.
  3. deer

    off topic a bit.. freshwater cichilids

    Why did dog food get recalled anyway? Poison?
  4. deer

    Cyanide poisoning? Grrr...

    I also forgot to mention that I cleaned the filter today, and in doing so I accidentally spilled some debris into the water column. Is it possible that one of these particles could have gotten stuck in the poor fish's gills and damaged them? Thanks
  5. deer

    Cyanide poisoning? Grrr...

    My nitrites are a little high at about 0.2 ppm; everything else is fine. Part of the reason that I am a little suspecting is because I did a 70% water change right before I added the clownfish. Do you guys recommend I do a water change right now, or wait for the bacteria to handle things? I...
  6. deer

    Cyanide poisoning? Grrr...

    Hi guys, I recently bought a medium sized Maroon Clown for one of my tanks. He went in with a Amblyeleotris goby, several snails, crabs, and a pair of shrimp who are all doing fine, if a little greedy. Acclimation went well, and the clown fish showed fairly normal behaviour. He hid at first, but...
  7. deer

    Green Moray in 29g...

    what did they find in the SW tank? I'm almost scared to ask... :scared:
  8. deer

    Pipefish - care?

    Hey guys, I was wondering if Pipefish (especially bluestripe, banded, and dragon) will accept small frozen foods, such as mysis, brine shrimp, and the like? Unfortunately, my live food is limited to baby convicts (cichlids) and ghost shrimp. Will I be able to take care of this animal with these...
  9. deer

    Weird fish for ten gallons

    Hey guys, I recently set up a 10 gallon nanotank (recently as in a couple weeks ago). I was wondering, if there was any "oddballs" that could go in there. "reefsafeness" doesn't really matter, though I would prefer something that won't munch soft coral. Previously, I was looking at a frogfish...
  10. deer

    Shoaling butterflies

    Thanks, Now those species will shoal in captivity, will they? Or just in the wild or in a tank of many hundreds of gallons (like a public aquarium)?
  11. deer

    Shoaling butterflies

    Hey guys, I was wonder which species of butterflyfish can be kept in a shoal. I'm pretty sure Heniochus species can, but I really like the Raccoon Butterfly (saw a bunch in Hawaii; was hooked ever since) but I'm not sure how good they would do beyond a pair. Any ideas? Thanks