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  1. cgj

    Two hippo tangs ok?

    Is keeping a pair of young (1.5 inch or so) hippo tangs in a six foot tank acceptable so long as theyre introduced at the same time? How about two young hippo tangs and a young powder blue tang introduced simultaneously?
  2. cgj

    Need help picking lights

    it has a stand that will mount pretty far above the surface... so i figure 2x 150 watt might work....
  3. cgj

    Need A 150/180/210 Stand

    I dont have the time nor the talent. There isnt some place that just sells stands and ships them and doesnt cost an arm and a leg?
  4. cgj

    Need A 150/180/210 Stand

    Im in need of a 72" x 24" stand... so far I can find a simple wrought iron fram stand for 300 bucks but they wont ship it... and i can find dr foster and smyth has a nice stand but its 3,000 dollars... Anyone know of a good place to buy stands from? That would have that size?
  5. cgj

    Need help picking lights

    oops, its actually 66", so 5.5 feet long. Still the 48" sunpod will leave some shadows. I could do a 60", 3x 150w MH... experts?
  6. cgj

    Need help picking lights

    Im finally moving out of my parents and into my own place, and along with this new room is going to come a bigger and better reef tank. Right now I have a 36gallon bow, with a 30" sunpod, single 250W MH. It works great... but the thing is, this tank is 21 inches tall... the tank im getting is a...
  7. cgj

    Must Save The Brain!!

    I have a really nice pink platygyra, maze brain coral. I got him like a month ago. When I got him he maybe had one square inch of his skeleton exposed with no flesh over it and that amount has stayed but now some gross green hair algae is growin on the skeleton, i tried taking it off by hand and...
  8. cgj

    Blue Planet "The Coral Seas" on Animal Planet Now....

    I liked watching a trio of powder blue tangs fight off a group of like 200 convict tangs by themselves.
  9. cgj

    Weed issue

    A piece of coral I purchased a few months ago had soem green weeds attached to it... they looked good. Over a few weeks time they grew slowly, gradually up the side of a rock... and they looked very good. The problem is, they are now overwhelming the tank and are literally engulfing the rocks...
  10. cgj

    Help... My goniopora is diein'!!

    Originally Posted by Halamaya I em reading a book on corals now and he suggests keeping your calcium at 450ppm. I know it's not much but... 450 ppm is a rather high level of calcium and is generally recommended for stony corals and also coralline growth.
  11. cgj

    have to vent

    Originally Posted by wattsupdoc Wait a minute ... He super glueD(or something). The bulb back together???? Was it broken any where that was in the sealed area of the bulb?? The outside portion of the bulb protects everything outside of it from escaping radiation. Any crack or possible leak...
  12. cgj

    have to vent

    Originally Posted by bessycerka I feel for you, vent more if necessary.This sort of a thing happened to me with a brand new Fluval filter, the hose had a kink from shipping, collapsed, the water stopped moving, and so did my favorite 3 year old trigger while I was at work. Another time ( 1987)...
  13. cgj

    have to vent

    Incredibly, my uncle has some experience as an electrician. he managed to ultra-glue the ceramic end-pieces back onto the bulb and reattach the electrode. Allowed it to dry for a few hours and we now have a working MH fixture. I've already ordered 2 additional HQI bulbs to have on the ready...
  14. cgj

    have to vent

    Last week on thursday morning, my sunpod's MH bulb which was roughly 2 months old burned out. I was a bit taken back by it working for roughly a year less than it was supposed to... so I quickly went online and ordered a replacement. There I ordered another 250W, HQI 14000K bulb, but instead of...
  15. cgj

    Help w/lighting choice?!?!

    Whatever you do, do not buy a sunpod, unless you have a GOOD bulb manufacturer making them. The oem bulb that came with my 250W MH fixture burned right out after two months and Ive been waiting for a replacement for a few days now. I Bought an Ushio bulb instead of the cheapness that came with it.
  16. cgj

    Help... My goniopora is diein'!!

    Right. SG is held at 1.024, and the skimmer is always functioning. I just checked and it seems some of the ones on the sides are peeking out a little... perhaps light is too strong for the ones directly exposed to my MHs?
  17. cgj

    Coral Keepers 25 gallon heavily planted tank diary.

    You should so put a wrecked gi joe/cobra aircraft in there like I did.
  18. cgj

    fire shrimp

    Cuz my clownfish are territorial @$$holes and savage the [hr] out of them whenever they happen to walk across the front of the tank.
  19. cgj

    Are brislte worms good or bad?

    Capturing them with a net or tweezers usually works.
  20. cgj

    Help... My goniopora is diein'!!

    Sorry i wasnt more specific. This is a purple gonipora, tank has been around for about one year now. Ph is around 8.2 Whats Po4?