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  1. gallix23

    Looking to set up a shark tank, any help?

    Originally Posted by humuhumu1 It's best that it has a lot of room so it can live a healthy long life. There some other sharks, specifically a coral catshark and the marbled catshark. If I recall correctly they only reach a size of 24-26 inches. That is like half the size of an epaulette shark...
  2. gallix23

    Looking to set up a shark tank, any help?

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL...was it a lfs? They tend to tell tall tales.... Look at the moray eels...they are cool Hahah I don't even remember to be honest, glad I got the facts straight though! I'll look into Morays, is there anything else you can keep with them? or even other eels...
  3. gallix23

    Looking to set up a shark tank, any help?

    Hmm, I'll look into the eels. And I appreciate the advice, I'm just a little surprised because I was told that a 125 would house most "bottom feeding sharks" and a 900-1000 gallon would even house baby hammer-heads, lemon sharks, etc. Guess whoever told me that was wrong, hahah.
  4. gallix23

    Looking to set up a shark tank, any help?

    Originally Posted by meowzer You know in a 125 you can probably do some neat lionfish, and not have to get rid of them..... Yeah, my dad has had lions before (not that I really remember, he kept the majority of his fish when I was really young). Would you happen to know of anything different...
  5. gallix23

    Looking to set up a shark tank, any help?

    Originally Posted by meowzer LOL...I tend to become attached, please don't think I was saying anything against you keeping one....I can only tell you how I would feel....I have a 225G tank with a cortez stingray...I feed her by hand every morning, and am terrified that she may outgrow my...
  6. gallix23

    Looking to set up a shark tank, any help?

    Originally Posted by meowzer Enough time for what? Do you have a 300G tank waiting for it.....Sorry, I have read too many....It's only temporary stories.....I (and this is only my opinion) woul not get anything at all with the intention...or knowledge...that it would outgrow my tank Yes, the...
  7. gallix23

    Looking to set up a shark tank, any help?

    If we hatched say an Epaulette shark from an egg, you don't think a 125 would be more than enough room for at least a decent amount of time?
  8. gallix23

    Looking to set up a shark tank, any help?

    Hey everyone, My dad and I have a 125 gallon tank that is currently empty (the old tank leaked so we had to empty it and get a new one). He's been in the hobby for a really long time and is getting a little bored with straight fish tanks and isn't ready to put up with the maintenance of a reef...
  9. gallix23

    Will my Picasso eat my Hermit Crab?

    Hey everyone, I have a Picasso trigger in a 125, which right now is the only fish in the tank because I just recently set it up. My uncle needed to get rid of his red hermit crab so he gave it to me, but I dont know if the trigger will bother it or not. The hermit crab is good size, maybe around...