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  1. rkbisme

    Starfish Death

    Thanks to everyone for your imput. To be honest I never thought that stars were so delicate and have never gone through any extra steps in aclimation of them. The others I have in the tank have done just fine with my normal aclaimation process, I'll be sure and take the extra time and steps from...
  2. rkbisme

    Starfish Death

    Thanks for the reminder everyone...guess I had started jumping to conclusions and never thought about the whole picture. Guess I'll put another one in and see how things go. Just for the record, I do have a few small crabs, but they have always seem to stay clear of any of the other stars...
  3. rkbisme

    Starfish Death

    Just added a Red starfish to exsiting reef tank...have never lost any other inhabitants but within 2 days the new red star was taken apart. Just wondering if anyone knows of any connection between the death and the pistol shrimp in the tank. Just trying to nail down the culpret.